I thought the Pro was launching 3 months after Windows 8?
I thought the Pro was launching 3 months after Windows 8?
"quotation or run along." No where in this thread have you agreed that the Surface will have problems, prior to our squabble.I said, agreeing with someone, that of course it will have bugs and flaws.
"crummy" is anything but fact. It's hyperbole.You quote me saying that W8 and WP8 will, essentially, be fundamentally more advanced than iOS (and this is not opinion, it is fact).
MS also have a track record of lazily tacking stuff onto Windows. Not everything, and not as bad as what apple have planned for iOS I'll accept and concede on, but they aren't exactly squeaky clean themselves - so you need to accept that there are those who have doubts about it. Particularly when MS's own demonstration of the product goes awry with crashes/freezes which frankly, has become a "Microsoft-ism" because it happens so much. Even on these forums the number of times people say "Wait until SP1 before getting it" is high.And that it won't have lazily tacked on integrations to Facebook where something better like a Contracts API exposed to third-party usage would suffice.
"crummy", "stupid route", "dumb dumb dumb", etc. the blatant air of, well, snobbery in that post quite frankly.How is that now a "blatant implication that W8 won't have those flaws"?
You did nothing of the sort. You've not limited/restrained any of your posts to "certain" flaws at all.I merely stated it won't have *certain* flaws and limitations that exist in current rival offerings. How did you extrapolate that to mean it won't have *any* flaws and limitations whatsoever?
You're the one putting words in, after the fact, to try and put a different angle on something you are being called out on. Who's trolling now? You wouldn't be doing that, would you?You wouldn't be putting words into my mouth, would you?
Oh, it'd be you. Wrong end of the stick? How is that, exactly? You said, in your own post, that the entire tech media industry didn't 'get it' - exactly how is that you not posting that the entire industry got it wrong?And once again you get the wrong end of the stick entirely and make yourself look like a complete idiot.
Right. So you are saying the entire industry got it wrong. I didn't get the wrong end of the stick. Huzzah.This has nothing about being right or wrong, me and them or anything. It was simply an amusing reference to the fact that tech media back then couldn't make any sense of the MinWin project. I distinctly remember reading articles suggesting Microsoft was working on a whole new OS from the ground up and that MinWin was it. There was even Slashdot joining in on the action suggesting Microsoft had finally "seen the light" to start debloating their operating system. Ever since W7, the Server Core and Hyper-V projects; the purpose of MinWin has been visible for all to see but even still many of the tech media still simply do not understand it.
It is in full context. The entire post is there, and you were practically replying to your self. You give a list of problems that other platforms have, then go on to say "W8 won't have those problems" - sorry, but merely by quoting that entire post puts it into full context.No that's not in full context. Not the piece you quoted. Because if you had actually read and understood it you'd see I was referring to a specific set of problems that exist today on rival platforms.
You've not mentioned a single problem that the surface will or at least could have. Kinda something you might be forgiven for doing in a thread dedicated to the Surface, don't you think? The opportune moments you choose comment on stuff from other platforms to defend MS Surface, at considerable length and detail (which I'm not holding against you in itself) but never once commenting on a potential flaw with Surface is suggestive that you don't think there will be any problems. People get called "fanboi" for less.The versioning issues of Android, the language barrier issues of iOS, etc. I said that W8 won't have these problems - because it won't. At no point did I suggest it wouldn't have *any* problems. That would be ridiculous. And it is equally ridiculous that you are trying to spin things as though I said that.
An example of how what you pointed out as overpriced development is nothing of the sort, just like the rest of the post it was in. Also a flippant comment.I'm not sure at all the relevance of comparing the cost of a iOS app developer to a SQL Server DBA.
You wouldn't be trolling again, would you? Surely not!But in any case, you missed my original point (again),
"Them" being who, exactly? Only those who already use the MS stack?which was:
From post #189: "Microsoft's solution is that a company can still re-purpose their existing developers to write their W8 Metro apps. There is no massive sea change to undertake."
I shall expand on that now since you clearly didn't understand. What I'm saying is that any development team with C++, C#, HTML/JS human resources already onboard (and let's face it, that is pretty much all of them)
Granted they probably won't need to buy an arbitrary license - something I do hold in disregard for Apple development -but there will be some learning for them to do, even if they already know the language(s) involved. If they don't have VS already they'll need it.can simply repurpose them to do Metro development. Whilst it is totally possible to repurpose such a developer to write Objective-C, it takes longer and is more costly, and you also have to find a willing individual first.
I actually agree with this. Except the "cheaper" part to a degree. There will be learning costs involved regardless of arbitrary restrictions. This is everyday stuff for everyone across the board, of course. New tech = new learning to be done.W8 Metro development will be cheaper, by far. Because you can write real Metro apps (not "websites" like you seem to think) using HTML/Javascript. So literally, almost overnight, every low-salary web developer can jump on the Metro bandwagon and start producing apps.
Uh huh.You'll see in a few months from now how quickly and cheaply a Metro app can be knocked out.
You wouldn't be trying to put words in my mouth, would you?Until then, I guess you'll just have to continue on being extremely sore and irritated about someone's opinion on the internet.
Still not the list you tried to claim it.It's a longer list than what Apple has.
Spin. Not that niche.I don't see how one language (and an incredibly niche one at that)
More arrogance, and putting words into my mouth. Perhaps you need to do some research on simple manners? I also thought you were critical of stuff that's "baked right in"? Not so with MS.versus *at least* four mainstream ones can be considered as "spinning". By "at least" I am of course referring to the fact that the .NET CLR is language agnostic and there's a whole raft of less-mainstream languages built on top of it. The big one on that list is of course HTML/JS. Writing true Metro apps with that is, as I said before, going to open up a huge low-cost developer base of Metro apps. And no, these aren't at all the same as "Offline web apps with an icon" like on iOS. Again, do some research and educate yourself about how the HTML/JS apps are baked right into the WinRT and XAML engines.
So that's a lot of learning to do then. Also not sure on why this is relevant to a discussion about how your viewpoint holds surface as "without fault."They can inherit and use all the same styles, positioning, layout mechanisms etc that a XAML-authored application can. They can even access certain WinRT functionality through JavaScript, such as sensors, GPS, touch gestures etc.
More arrogance. And yes, it is geared towards the thread title -yet you seem to only be able to list faults with competitor products and then finish with "MS won't have that problem."Is that what this is all about? I've ignored Apple's success? I'm sorry, but I thought this was a Microsoft Surface thread where, you know, the subject of conversation is geared towards the thread title.
Nothing, but without any speculation about what problems (new, and/or existing) it might introduce is bit.. fanboyish.What exactly is it that you clearly find so offensive about listing the shortcomings of existing rival products *that are on the market* versus a new upcoming product which, based on publicly available information, has clearly solved some of those shortcomings?
No, it's only part of it.This is what technology discussion is all about. It's what technology and the constant evolution is all about.
Zzzzz.If people weren't allowed to discuss this sort of thing then we'd still all be running, I don't know, Symbian powered phones I guess.
Which has to be considered at compile-time. Ergo, you cannot avoid the macros.And all that clap trap you KEEP bringing up about pre-processor macros for Silverlight specific code... Silverlight is a presentation layer.
We did just that, thanks. Still needed to use the macro to determine if it is silverlight or not. Can't be avoided. If it's not a macro, it's an if on a config variable. Notably this happens with WPF a lot - Silverlight meaning to be a subset of WPF, but it's not it has API differences which require the use of #if SILVERLIGHT.If you have designed your application correctly you'd write a presentation layer implementation for each different type of presentation that you require.
Ya think?So you might have a web front end, a Windows application, a Silverlight applet etc etc.
Who said anything about leaking between layers? Are you putting words into my mouth again?There really shouldn't be any reason AT ALL for leakage to occur between layers (or differing implementations of those layers) to such an extent that pre-processor macros are needed. Have you ever heard of MVVM?
That'll be a "yes" then.Of course you haven't.
Apart from having to use it to determine if Silverlight is in use, or not. Hmm.Because otherwise you'd realise that this whole line of argument about Silverlight is utterly deluded.
Hallelujah! Acknowledgement from NathanE that MS don't always get it right. It's only taken this long.What's amusing about the Silverlight thing you started is there is actually a far better example you could have and should have used to fortify your argument that Microsoft has damaged its SDKs in the past by segregating them. And that example would be .NET itself. More specifically, that the 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 versions all ran off a 2.0 CLR. And then 4.0 wiped the slate clean. There is also another example you could have used whereby an assembly that is targeting the WinRT cannot use regular .NET libraries. Which will cause developers to have to write wrappers around all their WinRT code.
Absolutely relevant.In any case, none of this is relevant.
Except where right above you've just criticised it for needing to have wrappers to be used with a .NET library/libraries.. contradiction.I said that there will be one SDK, called WinRT, and that that SDK will version gracefully over time. I stand by that.
What stick? You've grasped the wrong end. All along I've made the same, simple point - you are perma-biased toward MS products, to such a degree that you don't even speculate on problems a new product might present in a thread about what to expect from said product.The fact that you ended up grasping the completely wrong end of the stick is not my problem.
You'd might as well have told me "not to worry my pretty little head about it" or other cliché arrogant statement.Why is that arrogant?
More arrogance, again.Is it because you find my conclusion offensive? I didn't realise we were having a religious debate. I thought it was a thread discussing new technology where, you know, opinions are allowed and they can turn out to either fly or sink.
I, nor Caged brought the ex-moderator thing into the discussion - you did.Not at all. Caged was implying that I was "being the judge of posts" and I said no I'm merely calling out a trollishly written post (and a singular post, at the time). This has nothing to do with being an ex-moderator.
Don't flatter yourself. I'm posting on an internet forum, not starting a revolution.Clearly I seem to bother you very deeply.
Aww.I'm devastated by that.
Mr. Kettle, Mr. Pot left you a message: "Black."Maybe you should consider getting that chipped shoulder looked at?
Prepare yourselves! More arrogance incoming!Or as a more serious piece of advice:
Mr Kettle, Mr Pot called again.Maybe people here would take you more seriously if your posts weren't littered with an extremely aggressive tone
I've nothing to feign. This is also a terribly ironic statement to make. You are trying to feign the upper hand by claiming I am feigning the upper hand. Nobody has the upper hand. It's a squabble on an internet forum, probably glossed over/skipped by everyone except us.winking smileys trying to feign having the upper hand
No misquotations - deliberate, or otherwise. From me at least. You've been plentiful in that regard though.deliberate misquotations that can be resolved by a reader simply by backtracking a couple posts to see what was actually originally said and just general misinformation that can be disproved by a top 3 Google hit.
Seriously get a life. That must have taken you ******* ages.
I've just had a though... how will the OS know which keyboard to use (on screen or hardware)?
Unlike a slider phone or the keyboard docks for the iPad, the keyboard can't be 'disconnected' or turned off as its part of the case which I assume will remain attached at all times (the rubberised ones at least). So how will the OS know wether to open up the on screen keyboard or not when you select a text input field?
About 10mins to post, and later on an edit. Nice insults btw, really mature.
Seriously get a life. That must have taken you ******* ages.
Uh huhquote
more arroganceword
And yet the point I've made all along still hasn't been refuted \o.
The covers have in-built accelerometers which can detect whether there closed against the screen, folded out in front of the tablet or folded back.
Surface appeared on a website in Sweden...cost for 32GB RT is 830euro and 1000more for Pro version ...bit steep for me likening :/
VAT in Sweden is 25% but still a lot of money...
When will the first surface device be avilable?
Do we know if MS have any more conferences/ Announcements coming up that should fill in all the holes?
BUILD 2012 will be on the Microsoft campus, and I know what you’re thinking… if it’s not in some cavernous convention, then it must be a dialed-down version of last year’s event etc. … but don’t be confused: This will be unlike anything we’ve held on our corporate campus in a long time.