*** The Official Microsoft Surface Thread ***

They can't be seriously just letting Win8 and everything just simply go out on the shelves without making some kinda whoo haaa about it!?
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Thinking about it, why is it unlikely? Sony and Microsoft make a loss on their game consols, but claw it back and go into profit with game licencing. By locking down the app market and claiming 30% at the same time, why can't they make a loss on hardware / OS?
I agree with the Ars Technica article, while financially feasible it would be a commercial relations disaster as it would effectively push the other OEMs out of the WinRT tablet market before they've even entered it. Microsoft don't have the manufacturing muscle to take on the iPad and all the various Android tablets on their own, at least not yet anyway.
Frustrating on the price front, if it's within my budget I'll wait, however I'm more and more tempted just to get a laptop and cheap tablet.

Why are they not drumming up interest on the web?
Lenovo says $200 to $300 cheaper on Windows RT than Intel Windows 8 tablet to be released from them... http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/17/windows-8-rt-tablets-to-sell-for-300-less-says-lenovo/

This might ring the bell for rumour's claim that MS may released a $200 Windows RT.

My fingers and toes are crossed. I really want a tablet and trying hard to avoid the Nexus till Windows RT is out. Much more practical as a go between Laptop / Laptop replacement for my needs.
If Surface RT is to be offered to consumers at $199 then presumably Microsoft have some way of making the money back?

The app store argument doesn't work; they only take a 30% cut. If they lose $50 per unit they would need to sell ~$150 worth of apps to that user to break even. If they lose $100 per unit they'd need to sell ~$300 worth of apps to that user. Not going to happen.

That leaves a subscription model. It's entirely plausible that they could offer the Surface on this basis. If it costs them $300 to manufacture each Surface unit, and another $50 to get it to market (distribution, support, retailer profit) then they're taking a $150 hit on each unit. To turn that in to a decent profit, they could offer it on a $10/month sub for two years; $90 per unit profit, plus app store revenue. They could also combine this with another service. Xbox Music is the best example here. A $20/month sub might work here, and they might decide it looks better value for money than the Surface alone.

As far as I can see, there's no reason why the same subscription model couldn't be offered to Asus, Dell, Lenovo and Samsung for their RT tablets. It would be a sensible move on Microsoft's part, negating the accusations of unfair play (from those OEMs). If this is the case, it would explain why Acer are so annoyed. RT is going to hurt their business.
Unrelated but has anyone seen the Asus Taichi? I just love how mad it is.

Both screens are 1080p as well.

While that is cool, the whole idea of folding a laptop shut is to protect the screen. That outer screen is going to get scratched to hell, surely?

Any news on when full fat Windows 8 tablets are going to start being released?
As far as I've read everything from Microsoft and the initial partners will be released October 26, with other manufactures having to wait till feb time.

Agreed on that asus, what is the point of two screens?
You have the other one which folds the way back and has pads that raise the keys of the table if you place it down and switches keyboard off. Much better and should be cheaper. Or get one where the screen detaches. I don't see why you would want two screens?
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Is that the RT on Oct 26? Or the full version?

Both, again from what I've read. No official I don't know. But everything is saying win8 across the board should be out oct 26.

I want info and pre-order :(.
I need to know how much I need to safe and exactly what I want.

I'm about ready to smash this iPad, lousy stupid repair company damaging it, rather than repairing it. It'll cost to much to fix and I can't be without it. So have to persevere, even with its stupid phantom screen presses and broken 3G antenna.

One good thing, splash top is working on win8 apps :) one of my essential apps on the iPad.
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I feel your pain. My laptop is dying, the Nexus 7 has too many issues for me to want to buy one, and I've wanted a proper Windows tablet since the iPad was first rumoured!

Get some preorders up so you can take my money, dammit!

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