***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

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I'm not allowed to talk about the update situation guys, sorry :( not unless Nokia make it public. I'm pretty sure they know I've been giving advice on here so will probably be watching it.

Those that are desperate for the update I would try what Flapper has done.

Trust me, I'm aware of your frustrations...
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Well had my N920 for a few hours now.

I'm not sure I like it to be honest.
Dont get me wrong its a fast phone and the screen is awesome, as is the camera.

I just think I prefer widgets to live tiles and scrolling from left to right over up and down..
I have 2 screen on my old DHD, all the main things I do on the first, contact card for the missus, sense clockweather, spotify widget, navigation, messages and camera all on the first, then on the second, power related stuff, hotspot, search, youtube and a few other apps i use a lot.

Where I am used to scrolling left/right to get to the second screen and all my other apps on the N920 everything I want I have to scroll up or down, a scroll to the left just gives me all my apps..

You know something that I dont or am I missign something here?
I just think I prefer widgets to live tiles and scrolling from left to right over up and down..

But you are used to scrolling up and down in pretty much every other aspect of phone ownership? Why is the homepage not being any different a dealbreaker?
But you are used to scrolling up and down in pretty much every other aspect of phone ownership? Why is the homepage not being any different a dealbreaker?

Which part of what I posted said it was a deal breaker, I'm just giving my initial impressions, I'll see how I get on with it and see if I can translate what I do on the DHD to the N920.

On my DHD the only scrolling up and down I did in general use was the applist, which I didnt use that much as I had the apps more used on the second homescreen..
Surely the whole appeal of the Nokia is WP8 and the live tiles so it was always bound to be different to the DHD. Did you not try the phone before buying it?

I came from a DHD as well and navigating the 920 is so much easier and smoother I find. Sure there are a few things I miss but none are deal breakers.
Again, I dont recall saying anything that would suggest it was a deal breaker.

And no, I didnt try the phone before I got it :D
Is there a way to sync Facebook contacts on the N920 like you can on the DHD, I've added my Gmail account so its picked up my contacts from the DHD but hasnt pulled the profile images in as I would have expected.

Spotify, the live tile doesnt allow play/pause/ffwd, I take it this is the app being different as opposed to a setting.

I've got my front screen set up so I dont need to scroll up and down, however the screen still "bounces", is there a way to stop this?

Other than that its just a few apps missing really, I dont use many but will dig through the store, which reminds me, is there a way to push apps to the phone from the webstore like you can with .play or do you have to do it from the phone itself?
To be fair scrolling left to right is easier than up and down in my opinion. Given all the apps work on a scroll left to right basis it would kinda make sense to have the same on the home screen. You would think that it would be a fairly easy option to add...which means it probably isn't!
The ebay app is dreadful. It restarts itself every time you navigate out of it. Anyone know how to keep it live so that it holds your query/page when you return?
Dont keep re-opening it, hold the back button and flick back to it that way that reinstates the back button history for THAT application and when you where using it.

To be honest I Have found the ebay App one of the best Apps on WP for the straight forward layout.
I'm not allowed to talk about the update situation guys, sorry :( not unless Nokia make it public. I'm pretty sure they know I've been giving advice on here so will probably be watching it.

Those that are desperate for the update I would try what Flapper has done.

Trust me, I'm aware of your frustrations...

It's just frustrating they don't share any information; apart from a meaningless "coming soon". I don't mind waiting, if we were kept informed.

I assume it will roll out at some point? It's just a bit worrying that other countries have gotten it already, so it's not clear what could be the holdup.
Is there a way to sync Facebook contacts on the N920 like you can on the DHD, I've added my Gmail account so its picked up my contacts from the DHD but hasnt pulled the profile images in as I would have expected.

Sign in to your Facebook account via settings, that will sync the contacts - that way, tapping the 'me' tile will allow you to post directly to your FB status.

Spotify, the live tile doesnt allow play/pause/ffwd, I take it this is the app being different as opposed to a setting.

Press the volume button once when you're in lockscreen, viola, media player controls :p

I've got my front screen set up so I dont need to scroll up and down, however the screen still "bounces", is there a way to stop this?

Unfortunately, no but what 'bounce' are you on about? I don't notice it...

Other than that its just a few apps missing really, I dont use many but will dig through the store, which reminds me, is there a way to push apps to the phone from the webstore like you can with .play or do you have to do it from the phone itself?
Go on Windows Phone website, sign in and via marketplace, you should be able to 'push' to phone by clicking on 'install'/'reinstall' http://www.windowsphone.com/en-gb/store?signin=true

Cheers, I was logging into FB via the app, my bad.
The Spotify thing I had notice, I'm hoping that the media controls will work from my Clipper headset so shouldnt really matter, from an app POV though I prefer the Android front end of the app over the WP8 one.
Bounce as in theres enough tiles to only fill the screen without the need to scroll up or down but you can still drag the screen up or down and it just "bounces", get me?
It wouldnt install to my phone, maybe because I'm on Firefox and the phones plugged in, I'll have a play later.
In setting I have mine set to UK only, settings is located on the homepage in the eBay app 3 little dotes in the bottom right hand corner.
Ok, I'm presuming this is a setting or something I'm not seeing.
Go to phone, hit contacts and it brings up people, I have loads of people on twitter, Facebook, Gmail etc, I don't seem to be able to just view the ones with phone numbers, after all why would I need to see a twitter contact with no mobile info from the phone?

Also, when bringing up the dial pad there doesn't seem to be the ability to type on a name on it and it bring up contacts.

These two to me are pretty big issues tbh..
I'd also like arrows on my keypad when typing and a way to get rid of the keyboard..
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