Ok, I'm presuming this is a setting or something I'm not seeing.
Go to phone, hit contacts and it brings up people, I have loads of people on twitter, Facebook, Gmail etc, I don't seem to be able to just view the ones with phone numbers, after all why would I need to see a twitter contact with no mobile info from the phone?
Also, when bringing up the dial pad there doesn't seem to be the ability to type on a name on it and it bring up contacts.
These two to me are pretty big issues tbh..
I'd also like arrows on my keypad when typing and a way to get rid of the keyboard..
When I first got my phone, it took me nearly an hour 'linking' everyone in FB, Hotmail, Twitter into a single contact. It's a simple process but I had loads of contact. Tap a contact and tap the 'chain' on the bottom to link them together e.g. "John Smith" from FB is linked to my Hotmail/email contact "J. Smith" and his twitter "smithy".
You can filter them via settings under 'people' tile, I filtered out facebook pals I don't have linked contacts e.g. acquaintances.
I use my people tile to go find people to call, it's quicker. Tap tile, tap letter "A", select contacts letter and tap the picture to immediately call.
There is a speed-dial app on marketplace, forgot the name as I tried it ages ago. You'll have the ability to use T9 contact search.
As for arrows? Never thought I needed it... just hold on screen, move cursor to where I want?