****The Official Note III Thread****

Received the Neo Hybrid case today, overall I'm happy with it.

Looks great
Quality feel
Good protection

Adds bulk

Was thinking about getting it, but if its slippery at that price, think il pass!
Might get this one instead:

It does feel slippery considering I've been using the phone without a case up until now and I've gotten use to the 'leathery' back, but it isn't that bad whereby I think I'll drop it. Overall it offers good protection and it looks very nice imo.
Hi, my friends also got the note 3, from ebay seller, seems its from hong kong works fine, but compared to mine, the keyboard is default hong kong and dial pad to dial fast by using contacts letters doesn't work ?

anyway can flash the stock uk rom ?

I've started taking mine out of my case during the day and I realise that I've forgotten what a nice feeling phone it is. Even my partner's S4 feels like a toy phone now, though. Not sure I could go back to a non-Note!
Hi, i never have any cases on my phones, just a screen protector , i had a s4 for 6 months, and after holding the s4 now , it feels so small, its a weird feeling when i had it , it never felt this small
Ordered mine for delivery tomorrow - exited, was also temped with the Nexus 5, but the N4 should keep my rom flashing urges entertained!
Just got mine today ordered on Wednesday night. Soooooo smooth. Miles apart from the Huawei ascend go

Can you tell me on the phone dialler, when you're dialling a number does it make the traditional phone beeps with each number DTMF is it? (the ones that are all slighty different to each) Or is it the samsung bubble sound which is the same for all the numbers you dial?

This is before you hit the call out button, not on an actual call.

I swear it was the proper tones when new but recently reset the phone and now its the annoying bubbles sound! I know mines a note 2 but this thread is alive unlike the other. And I know a lot of you have/had the note 2.

Thanks :)

Can you tell me on the phone dialler, when you're dialling a number does it make the traditional phone beeps with each number DTMF is it? (the ones that are all slighty different to each) Or is it the samsung bubble sound which is the same for all the numbers you dial?

This is before you hit the call out button, not on an actual call.

I swear it was the proper tones when new but recently reset the phone and now its the annoying bubbles sound! I know mines a note 2 but this thread is alive unlike the other. And I know a lot of you have/had the note 2.

Thanks :)

bubbles sounds on mine too mate

Can you tell me on the phone dialler, when you're dialling a number does it make the traditional phone beeps with each number DTMF is it? (the ones that are all slighty different to each) Or is it the samsung bubble sound which is the same for all the numbers you dial?

This is before you hit the call out button, not on an actual call.

I swear it was the proper tones when new but recently reset the phone and now its the annoying bubbles sound! I know mines a note 2 but this thread is alive unlike the other. And I know a lot of you have/had the note 2.

Thanks :)

Yep bubbles - sounds so naff.

I always change the TW phone and contacts to exDialer and an ICS theme. Lots of customisation.

chaps, are these good stats?

Looks good to me depending on brightness and what you did with it.

I noticed mine was draining battery as it wasn't power gating (turning off cores when not needed). It got rather hot in use. A reboot sorted it.
nP. Same thing what happens to any replacement app yes like SMS etc. You choose which is default when you get a pop up to choose.

I just hide the TW one's from the app drawer. See how you get on.
Got my Note 3, even though I knew it would be large it's bigger than expected! :D

Before I get too hyper and put everything on it, what's the best method for rooting it? I was thinking for Cerberus etc. Worth it? I won't be flashing custom roms.
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