****The Official Note III Thread****

My alarm has failed to go off twice in the time I've had my Note 3. Both times I went in to check and the alarm was completely gone from the list of alarms I had. I've had her set her alarm for the same time as a backup - but if it happens again, I'll get an app for it instead of trusting the clock.
How many blooming software updates are there?!?!? I've had my Note 3 for a few hours and it must have downloaded 5+ updates!

Also, the signal is a lot worse than my iPhone 4S. Is that normal?

I've had a grand total of no updates since I bought! All working fine though touch wood
How many blooming software updates are there?!?!? I've had my Note 3 for a few hours and it must have downloaded 5+ updates!

Also, the signal is a lot worse than my iPhone 4S. Is that normal?

Samsung are well known for their weaker radios, your device isn't faulty.
Is this documented anywhere? I can't say I've noticed weaker radio issues compared to any other phone at home or work. iPhones seem to get the weakest reception even by comparison down here...

Always got 4/5 bars at least on Tesco (uses O2) in my house on my 4S. Now, I am lucky to get 1 or 2.

What's the cell reception quality in the status page? Mine is -75dBm at home and -85 at work on 3. What network are you on also?
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To be honest, it might just be me but the Note 3 is getting a stronger signal compared to my S4 under the same circumstances at the same time of the day. This could be down to other factors from the other side but I've got no issues with my signal on 3.
Got my KLD Oscar II cover today and really like it, arguably my favourite case so far. Some pics if anyone else is considering it. Lack of protection on the top and bottom might not suit everyone






Compared to Sony phones reception and wifi is way better than Samsung I have only used 1 HTC phone and the same went for that too
With regards to deals, are there any decent offers available for this phone at the moment? I'm due an upgrade and want to sell it to pay for my N5. I've been offered the Note 3 on a 12 monther for £149 up front and £41 month. Anything better about?
Three wouldn't take off the £99 charge in store, so I'll wait until next week when my contract expires & call the hot line. Never paid up front for a contract phone in my life.
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