****The Official Note III Thread****

I heard that the signal and WIFI radio software for this phone is rubbish don't know if it is that causing the problem.
Flashed SweetRom yesterday, all I can say is wow, I thought this thing ran great on stock FW, but it's even better now. Smooth as butter and battery life seems to be better too!

Any news on when CM is coming for us?
Okay. I've had three with that problem.

By wonky, I mean it moves when pressed/you can move it with your finger.

Yup when i rang samsung last week (took an hour), they assured me that they are not supposed to move or be wonky and to get it replaced, my latest is rock solid and has a nice positive click to it.
Yup when i rang samsung last week (took an hour), they assured me that they are not supposed to move or be wonky and to get it replaced, my latest is rock solid and has a nice positive click to it.

Okay, here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to keep getting replacements from Amazon until I get one with: decent signal and a decent home button and no gaps (mine has quite a large gap on the right and I can already see dust in there).

Maybe I should try the white one this time?
Do one thing for me, check where it was assembled at the back of the phone, and pull the spen out and check that too, opposite side of the logo - My previous 3 with build quality issues, were vietnam assembled, this one ive got which is perfect is a mix of korea and china.

And yup its perfect, no movement, no screen gaps, no heating issues even with my SD card in (transcend thing).

Edit - signal is a difficult one to answer, on Voda in my house never really get more than 2 bars, but outside full bars all the time, never had an issue with it on any of them.
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Oops battery i meant to say, but id guess with the china spen yours will be a korean one, odd, cant offer anything else other than contact Samsung and see what they say, more than likely just keep getting replacements till you get a good one.
Korean cell, assembled in Vietnam.

I've also noticed that I seem to lose a bar just by having a case on. I've had two cases, both causing the same thing. They're kind-of thick, so maybe that's why. but that still points to a phone problem rather than a case problem.

I've got a white one coming tomorrow. Maybe that'll be from a better batch.
Hmm was a theory i had, most of the issues appear to be with some early versions assembled in vietnam, mine which is japan/korea/china is faultless, right ill bow out of this as my theory just went up in smoke lol
Havent quite worked out how to check the handset itself, but my theory was based on the Spen location and battery. Totally blown out of the water - but my first 3 all had vietnam on the Spens and batteries and they all suffered from screen gaps, heating, dodgy home buttons.
why is this phone so bad I don't get it. with these amount of problems Samsung should do a recall I recon it's just not on I mean look at the price of the phone.

Am I alone in thinking this or do you guys agree?
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