Reading? I have been interested in this topic for over two years now. I don't need to read assumed literature based on Nvidias lack of information and decision to only state 'Pascal has ASYNC' which it technically does not.
The article you show does not, as I already knew before reading it, prove in any way shape or form that Pascal ASync is real.
The only evidence so far, if you are able to read between the lines, is that benchmarks of AOTS and Hitman confirm there is no ASYNC compute for Pascal.
Don't tell me if Nvidia had fully working async hardware that they would have had OXIDE (or their drivers) flip the on switch for Pascal Async.
Nvidia would stand to retain far too many customers if they had 'proof' there had a strong ASYNC implementation as it is they are guaranteed to lose consumers who want the best DX12 hardware.
Remember as well, Pascal is a shrunk Maxwell which was Async'less too.
Come on, this is Nvidia, who do everything they can to stay on top but were unable to flip a switch on AOTS to turn ASYNC ON.
Yeah right, whatever.
The higher you build Pascal Async the further it will come crashing back down.
Don't be so rude replying to posts. It doesn't do your legitimacy any good.