*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

I've just submitted weeks Y and Z.

Even though there's two weeks left, I'm now fully submitted and I'd like to offer my thanks to DirtyJester for starting the competition and special thanks to Gilly for jumping in and taking over when DJ's PC broke. It's a time consuming task and it's not something I'd have been able to do.

There's been some fierce debate at times and not everyone has made it through to the end. I'm naturally competitive and although it's just an internet beer competition, I've done the best I can and submitted the most suitable entries I thought possible. It's been fun sourcing beers and it was a great thrill when I found a rather well stocked beer shop a couple of months ago which filled a few gaps.

I know I'm two weeks early but what the hell - *raises glass* :D
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