*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

...Still 2 rounds to go, and still so many Jesters not been played yet!! Also I see DirtyJester climbing rapidly, has the leaderboard been updated yet?

I have a choice of two for 'y' and just cannot decide. Z is an obvious one for me, but Y... still struggling.
Z in. Y to follow shortly... thought I had one but don't think it'll fly!

Been a really fun competition. I know I've been one of those winging/moaning/asking questions/being a beer nazi but it was never meant with anything other than fun intent! As far as I'm concerned without the rules and competition we're just a bunch of weird blokes sending photos of our pints to each other over the internet...

Looking back at a few (and trying to find my Y) it seems I've made a few mistakes along the way, or to be more precise forgotten about some beers I'd bought. Probably because I was drunk shortly after...

To show a few...

I entered this for M anyway, but I obviously forgot that I'd already bought it. I definitely was drunk later that night


And then I completely forgot about these two that I bought in Belgium for W and X. Shame as I dropped points on X as well! Again, was definitely drunk shortly after.


They're just the ones I scrolled past, I'm sure there's more :o.

GG guys!
As far as I'm concerned without the rules and competition we're just a bunch of weird blokes sending photos of our pints to each other over the internet....

Could be worse...

I've enjoyed my first time. Definitely up for another on a few months. I think as much as I wanted to enter risky beers, I never really managed it. Maybe next time....
I've very much enjoyed the comp.

I'm entering my first risky one of the comp for Y this week, found others but I like this one. Really not sure if it'll score but I'd like to think it'll count :) will be 5 points if it is counted.

Z was entered a long time ago, that's a definite 5 points.

It's nice having friends in America that send you brewery only release beers in a comp like this :D
Off topic slightly, and without wanting to jump ahead of the actual finish, I was thinking if people/the two judges would be up for a different way of entering? It wouldn't be hard to knock up a website to login and enter via which could also clarify beers automatically and give more stats and the like. Would be interesting to see the total %ABV consumed over the course of it!

I could certainly do it and I'm sure there are other people playing who can code etc to give me a helping hand if needed. Would take a look of the work off the judges shoulders in terms of resizing, checking beers, posting results, updating the leaderboard etc and then the job would be purely be judging valid entries.

Entry Y emailed off . . . .

And with only two rounds left that's all of mine in - many thanks for hosting this DJ and huge thanks also to Gilly for taking over the reins.

It's been both interesting and argumentative but it's also been fun sampling new beers I wouldn't normally have bought.

Cheers guys :)
And then I completely forgot about these two that I bought in Belgium for W and X. Shame as I dropped points on X as well!

That one for X was my first choice, very nearly entered it!

I've just entered my Y entry. I always BCC myself in the email so I know it's sent ok, but weirdly, it ended up in my SPAM folder. Gilly, if you don't receive my email, can you check your spam folder just in case?
Been a really fun competition. I know I've been one of those winging/moaning/asking questions/being a beer nazi but it was never meant with anything other than fun intent! As far as I'm concerned without the rules and competition we're just a bunch of weird blokes sending photos of our pints to each other over the internet...
That's my exact take on how I've played it as well! I've been a bit frustrated at times but I've never had the attitude of not enjoying the competition.

Like you, I've got a whole album of stuff that's not been submitted and if I'd chosen wiser from the selections I had, I could have been a couple of places further up (but we can all say that, hindsight is a wonderful thing). I'm still kicking myself at the X round....




And a couple of others ;)

I had a bucketload of religion beers and as for animals and award winning stuff!
I've taken my picture for this week ages ago but forgot to send it in. I'm out at the moment but if I send an email with the beer I chose and then follow it up with the pic later can I be counted for this week??
Sent my Y in (before 8), struggled a lot this round weirdly but my Z is safely in (and was very nice)

Would like to raise my glass to DJ for putting this on again and say thank you mate! Also thank you to Gilly for taking over for the last few rounds :)

Three cheers!
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