*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

I'm actually a little concerned about my Y entry. There are so few to choose from that I reckon there's a good chance of a clash. I had two options, one was a common supermarket beer (perhaps a little risky) and the other is the one I used.
Thanks Gilly.

Before I bother spending even a second more thinking about it, quick show of hands for a web based submission etc system? I was thinking it could be linked to ratebeer.com, so you find your beer on there and just enter it's ID number. It could then automatically populate everything else including name, brewery, style, abv etc for some cool overall facts like most entered brewery, total abv consumed and so on. Would also make judging of the non-theme rounds automatic as well as clashes and points/leaderboard

I thought judging could potentially be crowd sourced as well, allowing people to login after 8pm to judge other's entries as yay/nay. Once each entry has been judged by say half of the amount of that week's entrants then the results can be automatically posted.

Don't think it'd be too difficult.

Suits me mate, and although having people have input to it seems like a logical approach, I do think you need a decision maker because if there's a split in the camp it could rumble on for ages.
Sounds good and I agree with the independent adjudicator. It would have to be someone that will be available for all 26 weeks though.

I take we would submit our pics to a website, each having our own log in, and then everything is posted after being judged?
I half like the idea, but I can't say I like the idea of using ratebeer. Quite often I've searched for beers on there to find it's not added yet, what would happen in this situation?

Taking a beer trip around brum today, shame there's only one round left...
Perhaps we could have shorter rounds, and move the judge role around? I'd be happy to run 5 rounds of it as the judge and not play for those rounds, if it meant someone else could then take it on and I play the next round.

If the judging is done by every competitor then you could have an overall champ as well as individual round winners.
Perhaps we could have shorter rounds, and move the judge role around? I'd be happy to run 5 rounds of it as the judge and not play for those rounds, if it meant someone else could then take it on and I play the next round.

If the judging is done by every competitor then you could have an overall champ as well as individual round winners.

I was going to suggest a 12/13 week tournament. I was really into it for the first few weeks but after 26 weeks you will have seen I have dropped off somewhat...
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