I thought value would have a maximum price? Say £1 total for whatever vessel it is in.
Nah, bargain basement stuff tends to be undrinkable.
I thought value would have a maximum price? Say £1 total for whatever vessel it is in.
My Thai beer entry is in. Woo hoo. Hope it's a3 pointer
I like your optimism, sadly Thailand produces 3 beers (and maybe the odd variant of those 3) and it'll probably be a tight round
Off Topic - Anyone heard from PappaLazaru yet?
Off Topic - Anyone heard from PappaLazaru yet?
...been wondering the same myself matey
U = But not where I am living, radius? how do you know where I live? Christmas tree? I don't celebrate Christmas?
BTW did I not tell you that I recently moved.![]()
You live in England
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