*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition ***

Damn foiled at the last hurdle

Don't forget I had emailed him along with everyone else who hadn't entered their Czech beer only yesterday morning, so good chance he will email the wrong address or fail to click send again ;):D

...then the rage kicks in :D

OK, my internet has been playing up all day. It didn't like me sending a 3mb file so I've resized it and sent you a smaller one.


That photograph is amazing, new Facebook picture. :D
Going to go and get my Denmark beer today. I have my English beer, 98 out of 100 on ratebeer. :D Still can't find a French beer!
I've started compiling this weeks entries and all I'll say is this week .... possible genius move made by somebody :D Oh and one pic will require a slight edit.... tut tut :D Oh and no it's not from Hank before you all get your hopes up :D
One confirmed no entry this week from Tican due to forgetting and now being stuck in work. Unlucky, but thanks for letting me know mate.

6 hours to go for the rest of you lot :)
Just submitted, and drinking! Luckily I correctly pre-empted the countries D-F on week 1 when I ordered A-C so I'm all ready to go for the next three weeks. :)
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