Received, cheers mateMy conpetition winning (i hope) Zoo beer is in.
Well maybe a wee bit later than that, I'm presently in workGOOD LUCK EVERYONE IN 6 HOURS WE WILL KNOW WHO WON AND EVERYTHING.
Received, cheers mate
Well maybe a wee bit later than that, I'm presently in work
Good luck everyone.
Sent my entry in using about 17 different email, a carrier pidgeon, and possibly a gorillagram. If a giant monkey turns up at your work clanking empty beer bottles DJ, I'll deny all knowledge.
Good Luck people !
And thanks For DJ for the time he puts in for free !
I remembered this week! Z entry sent in
Well said Mrs SB, been a good comp
Question is do we have a drink off for 4th if Mrs SB and Pingwing draw?
I am nice really, once you get to know me. haha