*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition ***

Got my Russian beer this morning but its five months or of date. How likely would this be to make me ill?

Get it in yee!

Ok I've emailed a couple of you questions regarding your beer... nothing major so don't panic!

Oh and if there are no results posted tonight, it's because I've fallen out of the roof space getting the Christmas trees... ;)
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I call shenanigans. Why on earth would you need to do that?

The reason I requested people stick to a single email address was simply because of the folders setup in Windows Live. I created a rule for each persons email so that the entries go to each folder automaticlly, any new email addy used and this doesnt happen. To date some people have used other addresses simply because of phones etc.

Remember it's the season of good will to all men.... and if he was to cheat I know where he lives and I've a pitchfork :p
I call shenanigans. Why on earth would you need to do that?

I'm heading out for the day and will have to find a bottle on my travels. I'll take a picture of it with my friends phone (I don't have a smartphone) and email it from there. Just easier to stick to his account.
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