Poll: The Official OcUK EU Referendum Exit poll (and results discussion thread)

How did you vote in the EU Referendum?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 861 53.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 763 47.0%

  • Total voters
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Cameron out. Corbyn probably the next to go and Osborne will also have to go but will probably stay so as not to spook the markets any further. Read the some are punting Gove to be the next Chancellor.
Can't wait to hear what we're going to do with all the money we save from leaving the EU :rolleyes:, I bet you when we eventually exit we won't hear a thing about that.

Jizz it all up the wall to fund all the overheads for people working out how we are going to leave the EU. Net benefit = zilch!

Not to mention the loss of value from British companies in the first few hours of trading would have probably secured our EU membership for the next few years.

It's nice to see people don't bat an eyelid when 120 billion has been wiped out, but they'll still moan that the 350million a week could be put to better use.

Best thing I've seen. We needed to sell this earlier though; we lost.
I'm not sure why the following wasn't drilled in by the remain camp, the leave win was all about immigration, and basically to keep free trade we will have to keep movement of the people.Can anyone comment on how likely it is for the non movement option to go through?

Not to mention the loss of value from British companies in the first few hours of trading would have probably secured our EU membership for the next few years.

It's nice to see people don't bat an eyelid when 120 billion has been wiped out, but they'll still moan that the 350million a week could be put to better use.

Because they dont care about some practically invisible market and all its smoke and mirrors.

This is why Remain lost.
Read what I said..."democracy at home" "not abroad" "unelected"

God, you remainers are blinkered and a bit gullible.

Anyway......... we WON !!

Stop that now. Treat your opposites with respect please. There's enough drama on FB, we don't need it here as well. Emotions are running high, so think about that before you post.

Yes, I realise the irony.
The FT's thoughts on the result:


I feel very lucky that I had the privilege to work all over Europe in my 20s and early 30s. It made me a better person, with a broader perspective on life. It's a shame that a new generation won't have the same level of opportunity. Britain will be poorer for it.

That's a very sobering quote. I feel devastated for my kids :(
This isn't what's happened. You'll be able to go and live wherever you want in Europe, the red tape will be minor, if there's any at all.

The reality is, most British people don't want to go and live abroad, despite what they might say.

You can't as easy as u can now.

What is going to happen to the existing immigrants here living here? Get deported? Many here are the backbone of some of the workforce here and once there gone We are in trouble.

Businessss are fleeing now. Our pound is weaker. Tax will most likely go up. Rents and mortgages will go up and jobs losses too.

Leaving eu will do more harm than good
This is getting ridiculous:

"MPs submit Corbyn no confidence motion"
BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36621777

Second best news I've heard all day. Excellent.

If you don't like living in a free democratic country, go live in the EU...lol

I actually intend to.

Well if 48% of the population bugger off overseas that should alleviate the housing crisis at least! :D Bye bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out!
The FT's thoughts on the result:


I feel very lucky that I had the privilege to work all over Europe in my 20s and early 30s. It made me a better person, with a broader perspective on life. It's a shame that a new generation won't have the same level of opportunity. Britain will be poorer for it.

Yup saw that. Cant believe leavers diddnt think about this
You'll be able to go and live wherever you want in Europe, the red tape will be minor, if there's any at all.


there seems to be some thought in the leave camp that we will be able to have our cake and eat it with the EU now. Like we will get all the benefits but none of the drawbacks, all the rights but not the obligations.

That is not how this will pan out..
You can't as easy as u can now.

What is going to happen to the existing immigrants here living here? Get deported? Many here are the backbone of some of the workforce here and once there gone We are in trouble.

Businessss are fleeing now. Our pound is weaker. Tax will most likely go up. Rents and mortgages will go up and jobs losses too.

Leaving eu will do more harm than good

Yes, we're going to deport everyone. :o

The pound is weaker as an immediate result of the referendum, the result was only known a few hours ago. Give it time.
Mate, people are absolutely ****ed off with the Tories, with Cameron's smarmy face all over their personal hell. This was an opportunity to show those *******s and teach them a lesson. Desperate people do desperate things, sometimes to their own detriment.

So people voted leave because they were fed up with the Tories even though it's going to result in maximum Tory?

Cameron is going to look like a socialist in comparison to who comes next!!
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