Over the next weeks and months we'll begin to see what happens when idiots are allowed to break things they don't understand.
When they're done wrapping themselves in the flag (and they may well need another flag soon if the Scots go) reality will start to sink in - that or they'll find someone else to blame.
The biggest single day drop in the pound's history, before the Bank of England stepped in - and the money they'll be pumping in will far outweigh any contribution we make to the EU. And we'll have to find that money back somehow.
No foreign company can now invest in our country - not till after we've spent years of negotiations.
The money lost will never be regained.
What happens when you ignore the, almost unheard of, unanimous opinion of the worlds most respected economic experts - what do experts know? Just 'scare mongering'
It's going to be difficult to stave off recession - even the brexit economist report predicted we'd go into recession (they didn't publicise that part much)
They've been quick to backtrack on the things they promised - no £350m a wk to the NHS - I think they should be made to find it, though they've all been advocates of replacing the NHS with the American model.
All the banks Euro markets will now move.
Morgan Stanley already have plans to move 2000 staff.
The City accounts for about 13% of our total tax revenue.
I'm finding it very hard not to be livid.