The answer to that question is simple, there will be no free market access for the UK without an accompanying free movement of people. If the EU re-negs for the UK then the party is over. Junkers et al will stick to their guns on this as free movement is the very corner stone on which the EU is built.
They'll see the UK go up in smoke and take what ever pain they need to in order to steady the rest of the EU before seeing a curbing on the free movement of people in the EU. I might be wrong on this, and maybe it's for the best that I am , but can anyone, once they take their rose tinted glasses off really see us getting the best of both worlds out of the EU now ? No chance, as it would effectively start hammering nails into the coffin for the whole EU. The UK is about to get a taste of EU retribution so I hope everyone is ready for more austerity. But that's ok because people can sit at home in houses they can no longer afford, with no heating and empty food cupboards, but be pleased as punch that they have sovereignty, something they always had but decided to sell themselves down the river because they were too thick to work it out.