Poll: The Official OcUK EU Referendum Exit poll (and results discussion thread)

How did you vote in the EU Referendum?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 861 53.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 763 47.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm staunchly remain and will be so until i see any sort of viable plan from any brexiter.

I don't want a revote. Despite the current level of regret from many leave voters, that was still the choice they made on the day and we all live with that now.

If, in 6 months to a year or so, it becomes clear to all that we'll be much worse off then perhaps at that time we can revisit the decision. To revote now is to undermine the whole process.
No chance of another vote, but if there was I'd be disgusted and actually protest with anyone else! Besides we didn't get a revote against the Tories getting in. We won fair and square and legally binding

It is not legally binding. This is not a direct democracy.
After listening to lots of interviews with celebrating leavers in the big leaver vote area, the biggest common theme as to why people voted out has nothing to do with the EU.

Heard several more this morning from Sheffield. They said they voted out as "they were fed up that people down south thinking they are stupid and all have whippets and wear flat caps and they never listen to us. Well we showed them now."

It seems more of a vote against the establishment in general rather than an out vote.

Indeed, the remain calling people old, dumb, working class, poor, council estate chavs hasn't help our cause at all. It's just made that group of people more likely to rebel against. Juncker didn't help either, his head must roll too
Demanding a second referendum is simply stupid. We have to accept the result and do our best to minimise the damage. That's the long and short of it.

I find it funny the kids in the UK says EU is a dictatorship when you did and do this to scotland, north ireland, wales and Ireland etc...for generations.

scotland gonna leave the island and join EU and that will have a much more interesting ramification.

^^ This.
"wide reaction"

got a figure for that?

No, of course not, just interviews on TV, comments on social media, comments in this very thread.

I was giving some view to the idea that the leave vote could only ever increase if there should be a revote (which I wouldn't like to see)
Given the wide reaction of fear and doubt from leave voters since the vote, realisation that they'd been duped, clearer understanding of just what they've done and regret in doing so you're gonna have to do a bit more than call people betas to convince anyone of what you're saying.

There's nothing to fear but fear itself. People often regret their choices, I'm sure the shop gets a few orders of people buying expensive systems and then getting cold feet, but it's no where near the majority of shoppers. Plus in a second vote it is unlikely an alleged insane right wing guy is going to kill a left wing mother, that scared a few thousand voters away.
I don't think there will be a second vote. Steps are already afoot and I'm not seeing any indication that Brussels will give any further concessions for us to hold another one.
This was a one-time vote. We voted out and now we have to live with the consequences, no matter whether they are good or bad.

I tell you what, I'm going to really miss the roaming charge harmonisation the EU were working towards. Remember the days of £5/MB data roaming? Maybe they will sort something out so that we can stay with low costs but I doubt it.
Frankly it should never have gone to a vote without first removing the greedy sanctimonious liars that are politicians from the equation and then getting a moderator with nothing to gain to better explain the pros and cons of the situation... little do most people realise but for the average Joe this whole process is only going to make their lives that bit harder. The politicians only care about the game and you've all been pawns (both leave and remain).

this is the sad truth really. Everyone is getting played like a well used fiddle and yet seem to be completely oblivious to it. Once the hardship starts to bite the reality will become apparent and then the gravity of what has befallen will be uncovered
If, in 6 months to a year or so, it becomes clear to all that we'll be much worse off then perhaps at that time we can revisit the decision. To revote now is to undermine the whole process.


That wouldn't even come close to undemocratic.

A lot of people have voted on a certain premise and that's absolutely their right to do so.

If however, Boris/Farage/Whoever turns around in a year's time and says 'Hey guys, what we've managed to negotiate is basically what we had before but without any MEPs of our own etc.' then it would only be fair to give everyone a chance to say 'Actually mate, that's not on, you've sold me down the river with ******** you haven't delivered'
There's nothing to fear but fear itself. People often regret their choices, I'm sure the shop gets a few orders of people buying expensive systems and then getting cold feet, but it's no where near the majority of shoppers.

It doesn't need to be a majority though, if 5% have changed their mind it would swing the vote the other way.
Life experience? Meaningful experience is gathered in every year, regardless of what you do? You get meaningful life experience living in the same town all your life, leaving school at 16, doing the same (bottom rung) job forever, not experiencing anything new? Obviously not all pensioners have lived like that, but to pretend none have is laughable. Who has more experience, an 80 year old like I described, or a thirty year old who's lived in a few countries, has a couple of degrees in objectively useful subjects (say, with this issue, law/European and international law), has worked a variety of high level jobs, etc? You get the point. Yet somehow the old person's experience trumps that young person's experience?

There are millions of very well off old people with degrees, who travel a lot and who own businesses. You probably just haven't met many of them. I have.
wonder how many revotes we will have to have before they stop crying.... and looking at the polls its the over 40s that voted for us to leave, and the younger people did not turn out to vote, so whos fault is it lol
There's nothing to fear but fear itself. People often regret their choices, I'm sure the shop gets a few orders of people buying expensive systems and then getting cold feet, but it's no where near the majority of shoppers. Plus in a second vote it is unlikely an alleged insane right wing guy is going to kill a left wing mother, that scared a few thousand voters away.

Buyers remorse != choosing recession and ruination
Yes lets just keep revoting till we reach the right outcome that's the EU and Scottish way, result is leave just deal with it.
Given the wide reaction of fear and doubt from leave voters since the vote, realisation that they'd been duped, clearer understanding of just what they've done and regret in doing so you're gonna have to do a bit more than call people betas to convince anyone of what you're saying.
It's true, I voted leave as a protest vote when everyone and there mother was saying the betting companies are never wrong, the remain swing is increasing, people will opt for the status quo in times of fear or vote when they come to the box etc.

So I voted leave as I wanted them to recognise there is scepticism but my ideal solution would be EU reforming not leaving EU. They finally start to want reform when they see us looking to leave. It's disappointing but in the end I think I'd suck it up if it wasn't effecting other countries too and the issue with scotland and ireland. Too many factors go against the vote, geographically we're only 50% with ireland and scotland wanting to stay, it was a marginal win, the generational gap, the issue with london being a world financial centre and open trade city so EU membership is quite important and others. Whether it be for the capital, for those that will see it through, for the countries that make up the UK etc. I don't feel it was a convincing win with them now backtracking on funding slightly.
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Do you have a crystal ball or something or is this just your unfounded opinion?

Don't answer, I already know.

Of course it's my opinion. What else can I share when there's zero substance to anything at this point? There's no strategy, no plan, no leadership... how anyone can be positive at this point seems crazy to me.
I don't think there will be a second vote. Steps are already afoot and I'm not seeing any indication that Brussels will give any further concessions for us to hold another one.
This was a one-time vote. We voted out and now we have to live with the consequences, no matter whether they are good or bad.

I tell you what, I'm going to really miss the roaming charge harmonisation the EU were working towards. Remember the days of £5/MB data roaming? Maybe they will sort something out so that we can stay with low costs but I doubt it.

I'm going to America and the costs aren't out of this world to be fair. It'll obviously impact people who travel for a work a lot, but then they could just a European SIM card. Again, not the end of the world.
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