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Could you put it next to the Falcon and Red Five for a pic ?

As requested.




Just got this

Got some of the smaller tmnt sets as well

Just started buying lego, because i was after an hobby besides watching my wifes favourite soaps
Just went round my local toysrus and smyths stores, the choice is amazing (especially star wars)
The smyths had the deathstar which was in a huge box! And at £279 a price to match!
Never, ever seen a star wars film (from start to finish) might watch them just so that i have an excuse with the wife to buy some of the star wars stuff
I would say no, in ROTJ and the Death Star run, the X-Wings are considerably smaller than the Falcon. Nevertheless, they all look awesome as is, and a great collection. :)

It's amazing how big the slave I looks in that, thought the falcon would be bigger. Are the ships in scale to each other you think?

It's a bad angle, this pic shows the sizes better:


According to the tech spec stickers the Falcon is 26.7m in length, Slave 1 is 21.5m and the X-Wing is 12.5m, so going by that is doesn't look like they are in scale to each other.
Back before Xmas I was hunting the eBay to find a bargain box of mixed Lego to give the kids something to play with at my house when they came over. £40 inc postage got us 2.5kg of what I thought was random Lego. No what I got was 2.5kg of parts plus a blue crate with 9 pockets in it and three green build boards slotted in as lids, this was filled to the brim of more "special" parts and stacked up in a small bag were a horde of instructions from some very old Lego sets.


So today we got to making a few of the sets up and discovered a few sets we didnt have instructions for, all this from a couple of special parts using the id numbers on the blocks.






Some of the sets appear to be missing the odd part but nothing major. This little lot has hardly scratched the surface of the parts we have discovered so far. You would be right in thinking I was very happy today uncovering all these sets :D
The x-wing looks to be in scale to the falcon but the slave I looks to be too small?

Looks like that to me too (perhaps excluding the 4 engine things sticking out of the back of the X-Wing).

I guess if the Slave I was in proportion to the other two it would have cost double what it does now and I doubt many would spend £300+ on it.
According to the tech spec stickers the Falcon is 26.7m in length, Slave 1 is 21.5m and the X-Wing is 12.5m, so going by that is doesn't look like they are in scale to each other.

Yeah as I said earlier there is no way that the falcon is only 26m long when you consider how small a part the cockpit is and yet it easily has 5 people in it. Same with the x wing at 12.5m. That's almost the same size as a red arrows hawk. It seems longer than that to me considering the scale to a human.

I think they just haven't told us the star wars universe is really all midgets ;)

Anyway scaling these would be impossible in lego without making new size bricks for each model. The SSD is 12km long, so I think you would need an aircraft hangar to store it :)
Yep you are correct the intakes are put together wrong :)

Could be worse, I'd almost finished the R2D2 body before I realised I'd put one piece in the wrong way round quite early on. I was just in the middle of telling my girlfriend how screwed I was while demonstrating how it won't just easily split as it's too intricate and the body literally split in two with only a couple of bits pinging off. It was a 5 minute fix. :D
I added a couple of 1x1 squares to bring the ladders out a bit, looks less "broken" this way... (although I need to swap a clear 1x1 for a grey when I find one!)

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