***The Official OcUK Lego Thread***

Oops. Mini-Fail :o

I saw on a website someone who had built 8-bit characters out of Lego and thought they looked cool, so had a go myself. Only after I'd built it did I realise the colours were the wrong way round :/


Still looks OK though and I think I'll make a few other different ones in the future.
How big is that ?

Only about 6" tall.

Do you have the numbers/colours/types of bricks needed for that please? I'd like to wildly plagiarise it.

Hell I ripped it from someone else so why not! :D

I built it in Lego Digital Designer, so here are the building instructions zipped, just open the .html file and it will have the brick list on the last page...

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7769530/OcUK/8-bit 1UP.zip

Remember I cocked up though, the white/green bricks on the cap need to be reversed.
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Cheers, Lego Designer lets you replace colours so didn't take long.

Did you order the bricks or just make it from what you already had?
Struck a decent deal at work today, guys son was selling off the last but one cargo train set (yellow engine), the old passenger station, and some extra track (+ 9 rechargeable AAA's!) for £70 - no boxes, but all the instructions, and seems complete - pretty happy with that (as are the kids!)
I'm all about the Kiwk-E-Mart here.

Side note, time to build the x-wing this weekend, if I don't, I don't think I get a chance for about 9 months!
had to google that and... OMG DO WANT!

There's been no official images yet so all we have is the 22,000 piece Ideas monster, and the 6,000 redesign that's almost realistic. My fear is that Lego "toy-ify" it and replace the military grey with white and blue like the have with the new Quinn Jet due this year.

They also seem reluctant to adopt SNOT so the smooth surfaces of the Ideas design may be replaced with a nobbly runway.

A guy on the Brickset forum from Lego has suggested a £350 price tag!
There's been no official images yet so all we have is the 22,000 piece Ideas monster, and the 6,000 redesign that's almost realistic. My fear is that Lego "toy-ify" it and replace the military grey with white and blue like the have with the new Quinn Jet due this year.

They also seem reluctant to adopt SNOT so the smooth surfaces of the Ideas design may be replaced with a nobbly runway.

A guy on the Brickset forum from Lego has suggested a £350 price tag!

£350 would be in the Falcon bracket, it's not bad but a 6,000 piece model though.
The largest Lego set made was the Taj Mahal at 5,922 pieces, and a steal at £199.

The Falcon was comparitively expensive at £340 for only 5,195 pieces.

A rumoured price of £350 for the Helicarrier should put it up there with the Falcon and the SSD in size.

Edit: wow, the SSD is a rip off! £350 and only 3,152 pieces!
Hmmm, I'd consider more the mass of plastic involved over number of component parts to dictate price and also specific components created for the sole purpose of a model.

The ssd was a huge model and weighed a lot, it's parts might have been less but if you consider the size of many of them the price is understandable.
Yeah the SSD is £350. As Tobywon says, it was a lot of large flat panels hence why the piece count was lower than things like the Taj Mahal.

This means a 6000 piece design of the Helicarrier that is also the size of the SSD is going to be unlikely for £350. I expect it will need to be a much smaller and much simpler design.

We shall see.
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