Care to swap the programmer for an s6 Genie? already got the programmer but seem to have lost the laptop grrrr.
I know a few places are selling this one cheap at the moment, Tesco and John Lewis from what I've seen.Anybody here got the Technic Rescue Helicopter 9396? Thinking of grabbing one for my son, and building it together (hes 5) bit like a project for the weekends (weekend dad).
I love thatI bought the Sopwith Camel yesterday
Here's my Minifigs:
And these are all spare:
(I've got a robot spare as well)
I'd swap any of these for pretty much any of the ones I haven't got...
I really want the fisherman.
May I grab one of your spare Baseball Players? I will update this post with a photo of my spares shortly. If you don't need any then what price? as long as it's not too extortionate
Kind regards,
Here's a photo of my swaps:
My contribution:=
Custom X-Wing (before)
I've now finished customizing it
I bought the Sopwith Camel yesterday and spent several hours building it. Really like it, I may even buy the VW Camper in January when they come back in stock.
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