***The Official OcUK Lego Thread***

Different packaging to the JL box.

Mine's the same as that pic? JL doesn't have a different box, you realise it's side on? :p

Ideas Old Fishing Store is now officially announced...


My box is on its side :) was at train station with my new toy. Special trip to go get it.

The poor lass in lego store smashed there model on the floor trying to show me how it comes apart. Luckily they're glued and most of it survived.

My first box had damage they brought out and I oddly asked for a replacement with this possibly being one day a collection piece? Idk
Now owning

Snowspeeder ucs
Millennium falcon (non ucs)
Tie fighter ucs
Tie striker
Tydirium shuttle
Poes x-wing
Krennic's shuttle
Kylo rens shuttle
Saturn V
(GFs wall•E)

I don't think there's anything else I want except the imperial shuttle (ucs) and super star destroyer (ucs)

No more lego for a while!
Poe's x wing
Millennium falcon
Kylo rens shuttle
Saturn V

X wing and Saturn v will be unbuilt for some time though I'd imagine still.

I did debate the death star a fair few times but I currently have nowhere to display it in all of its glory
Poe's x wing
Millennium falcon
Kylo rens shuttle
Saturn V

X wing and Saturn v will be unbuilt for some time though I'd imagine still.

I did debate the death star a fair few times but I currently have nowhere to display it in all of its glory

Didn't like the deathsrar. I don't like the cut away design myself
Thank you John Lewis! The lego store has sold out already!
I decided to sell my second copy already while lego is out of stock
For anyone mad enough to go to the Leicester Square store on a Friday evening, they had loads of Saturn Vs, but there was a queue to get in and no limits on how many you can purchase. Loads of people buying so your milage may vary.

Was chatting to a few customers in the queue, all were buying for themselves not kids!
Bought myself the Snowspeeder today. Enjoyed building it, though I don't think the stand is all that great:


Running out of space in the cabinet I keep them in so this has had to take the place of my least favourite set, the Le Mans racer.

1st set I bought:


Quickly followed by the logging truck:


Then my favourite, the Tumbler:


Then that same weekend I bought and built the Le Mans race car:


Liked the look of the Ghostbusters set so that was next:


Our little boy loves Minis so that was next:


Bought the F40 whilst in Florida as it was slightly cheaper over there:


Then the VW Beetle:


The wife wants the Disney castle but its just too expensive at the minute, though I may buy Po's X-Wing if Glasgow Lego shop has it in stock tomorrow.
The snowspeeder stand is flimsy. I have mine tilted forward (it looks good like that). But it is weak!
Just don't do what I did - reserve it online whilst in the store, wait for them to put it in the secure pick up area, wait 5 mins and then ask to pick it up!

Major rage face activated! (That was Kirkcaldy mind....)
Loved building the Saturn V, and its a fantastic model to boot! Can't wait to use it in some of my lessons at school, fingers crossed the kids don't destroy it...
Loved building the Saturn V, and its a fantastic model to boot! Can't wait to use it in some of my lessons at school, fingers crossed the kids don't destroy it...
Glue it if your using it at school id say. Doesn't ruin models gluing them if you never intend to smash it apart or sell it
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