I guess I have a problem buying something not totally legit.
I wouldn't buy a "lego" set with "Larry, Germione and Bon" in a Witches School call Logwarts. Similarily I wouldn't buy a set without a legit licence for "Ferrari" because deep down, regardless of what losses Ferrari has from the lack of licence income, besides the moral thing or legal thing, I know it never passed the eyes of Ferrari and therefore it never had the official design approval and so it's design is not 100% of what it could have been, regardless of whether ithe set was great or terrible.
Same reason I would never buy a Gibson, despite it too is made out of wood, has 6 strings and probably sounds the same to the untrained eye. One is £200, the other is £2000.
I am the kind of person who want the real thing, I NEED the real thing. I don't mind brands start their own thing, start a new brand, original designs and get their own licence on products. I think that is great, it is great competition, competition is good but just do it properly. It might seem trivial but it is more than just principle.