***The Official OcUK Lego Thread***

Splashed out a bit this morning. These will keep me busy for a while

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As epic as this could be, we've had so many versions of all the star wars minifigures over the last few years is there anything unique this can really offer given the cost.
It sounds like a mash up between the first and second e.g.:

Edit: ~$1000 is a bit of an ask though, even on offer you are looking at shelling out £600-£700
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It sounds like a mash up between the first and second e.g.:

Edit: ~$1000 is a bit of an ask though, even on offer you are looking at shelling out £600-£700

The UCS AT AT was c£750 at launch but that had a USP being a proper minifig 1:1 scale.

Depending on conversion/exchange rate this could be £850-£1k and if a fully spherical base won't be big enough to hit the 1:1 minifig scale like the Sail Barge, Millenium Falcon, Razor Quest and AT AT. So what's its USP?

I wasn't a fan of the design of the Death Star II being mostly open but that's my personal preference.

Let's say it's a mid construction but fully operational as per a New Hope Death Star I (going to be more in demand), c8k-9k pieces with a removable outer shell and is fully modular so comes apart into multiple diorama. Hopefully they invest all the piece count in the main build and piece count won't be padded out with the quasi micromidi scale ships (Tie Advance + Shuttle) like in some recent sets ie the Yavin base.

Alternatively would be an enhanced modular Death Star II with outer shell plus the Endor Shield Generator Scene and some Ewoks as these are rumoured due a return too aren't they?

Final Option is a Convertible and fully modular Death Star I + II to tie into both movies and given the rumoured return of Endor scenes and Ewok village.

The minifigs are meaningless since so many versions of every figure already exist.

I can see this selling well but pricing is rough.

@dcsarge yep that would do it.
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