i got 8 c's and above... lol... makes it sound good... lol
Originally posted by Tupac_
which is a C grade and the equivalent to 4 GCSE's a C grade im so happy
Originally posted by BeatMaster
Merit = 4 GCSE's at B grade
Originally posted by BeatMaster
Positive m8
Pass - 4 Cs
Merit - 4 Bs
Distinction - 2 A*s & 2 As
Originally posted by BeatMaster
"A candidate for full GNVQ needs to pass six units.
There are three pass grades, pass, merit and distinction. A pass is equivalent to four grades C at GCSE. Merit equals four grades B, and a distinction equals four grades A."
Taken from Edexcel's Website
Originally posted by OoOverclockaoO
Got my results in the post today ... was well suprised
Got 5 Cs, 1 B and 3 Cs .
Much better than I expected even though its not great compared to other people on here