So I got mine on Monday and I've had a few days to play around with it.
Coming from an IP6 I'm relatively happy with it. I don't feel limited in anything I can do and it seems responsive enough. A couple of niggles however...
One Plus launcher isn't responding. Phone screen goes black and nothing works. I've had this three times since Monday, thats more crashes than I've had in two years on my IP6.
The screen seems to tinge blue when angled anywhere but directly towards me. If it's lying flat on a desk for example it's not the warm white which I get when holding it in my hand.
Why the hell are apps like WhatsApp so big?? The keyboard takes up half the screen, the header takes up another inch which leaves only about 1/4 of the screen for actually displaying messages? This is REALLY annoying, is there anything I can do? Do I really need to start messing around with developer options to just makes things a little more minimalistic?