**** The Official OnePlus 3 Thread ****

I was considering purchasing one for the Mrs to replace the S5 she has.

Popped into o2 as she needs a phone that's not too big for her smallish hands.

Since it had a mammoth alarm on its, I asked the staff member could we have it removed for a second to feel the real weight and to see how she got on with it for single hand use.

Bloody useless is all I can say. He stated he would have to charge a card for the phone and then refund it if he was to do that. Offered to leave a wallet full of cards, a 6P and her S5 on the office table as insurance we weren't going to make a run for it with the phone, but no movement. Terrible customer service. Will now try another o2 store to see if they have a bit of common sense before making an easy sale.

I went.into o2 Middlesbrough store a few days after o2 first got them in

They never had any stock left but got me one to have a play with. Told me it was the fastest phone the store had ever benchmarked and told me how he was going to get one himself and so where some of his colleagues

Sounds the complete opposite story.to.you lol
I am having one issue with this phone....when im on a call I loose 4G and all data connection until the call is ended. The signal bar just displays the bar with an exclamation mark next to it.

Anyone know why this occurs?
I am having one issue with this phone....when im on a call I loose 4G and all data connection until the call is ended. The signal bar just displays the bar with an exclamation mark next to it.

Anyone know why this occurs?

It's normal to lose 4G as 4G doesn't support voice calls unless you're on EE or Three (but they don't support it anyway on the OP3, except EE on a Community build).

I suspect it's dropping down to 2G (GPRS perhaps) which doesn't support data whilst on a call. It would be too slow anyway.

What network are you on?
Seems it's quite tricky to get one of these from o2 in London - Is there any reason I shouldn't just order one direct?
Don't think there's any reason not to, other than you'll have to wait for OP to deliver it rather than having the option of walking out a store with it in hand.

Just checked their site and the original (Graphite) model seems to be showing as in stock for UK so would expect you'd get it within a week tops if you ordered.
I'm.lucky to get 3hrs

Modded? Doing what with it ?

Today I got 4:30 with 8% battery left

Nearly 2 hours of that was playing a graphics intensive game

It was on dual SIM for 8 hours at work too and will have been losing and regaining Signal all day as were in a blackspot

I don't check often but when I do its usually 4-5h screen on
To be fair ive been really impressed with this phone and the software

First android phone I haven't modded straight away

And first since the nexus5 to feel like I got my money's worth
It's normal to lose 4G as 4G doesn't support voice calls unless you're on EE or Three (but they don't support it anyway on the OP3, except EE on a Community build).

I suspect it's dropping down to 2G (GPRS perhaps) which doesn't support data whilst on a call. It would be too slow anyway.

What network are you on?

I've had a weird few days with my phone, but the issue seems to have corrected itself.
The last two days my screen has been staying on when I have notifications, but now it seems to have stopped. I would wake up and the screen is completely on, luckily it's on charge so not wasting battery

I checked in Developer Settings and the 'keep screen on' was unticked which is even weirder.
I've just got this phone.

What case would you recommend??

I got the official sandstone one, pricey but after reading around, they seemed to fit best with the official curved screen protector.... But then I ended up not getting the screen protector anyway :/
I think those with poor battery life should get their phones exchanged. I've had many, many phones over the past 24 months and the OP3 has the best battery life.

Goes two days for me, medium use.
I'm.lucky to get 3hrs

Same here, 3-4 hours seems to be all I can get from the phone now, usually the lower end.

When I first received it before any updates I could get 5-6 hours, since the memory fix it's been pretty crap.


I think those with poor battery life should get their phones exchanged. I've had many, many phones over the past 24 months and the OP3 has the best battery life.

Goes two days for me, medium use.

Mine has been exchanged, but for different reasons..

Battery life is the same.
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