Mine turned up at 3pm today, DPD driver looked shattered! I was delivery number 90 and he said he literally hadn't left my area all morning delivering PS4's. He was saying he fancied buying one but couldn't decide between this and the Xbox One, anyway thanks Steve!
I have to say since getting my Xbox One last week I wasn't as excited over getting my PS4 but since my brief few hours with the console I've been really impressed. Firstly along with the XB1 it's not going to win any awards for the nicest looking console ever, it's functional at best but I do love the light strip down the middle.
The Pad feels great, I really detested the DS3 so I'm glad to see they've made some decent improvements to the pad. Loving the rubber parts of the pad and the thumb sticks seem much improved, obviously the triggers are the biggest change and it's about time too! Had some epic games of BF4 and didn't have any issues with the controller at all and I've been using the Xbox One pad for the past week.
Like many others I couldn't sign in for a few hours but I can let that go considering the amount of people probably trying to get online!
Love the clean look of the UI, again something I thought the PS3 was poor at but Sony have clearly listened and made it more efficient and intuitive to use.
I gave remote play a go, worked flawlessly but you can certainly notice the FPS hit (being locked at 30FPS) especially when games like BF4 are 60. Will need to try the multiplayer out with it at some point. Does anyone know if you can voice chat in online games via remote play?
Games wise I've only played BF4 (wanted to compare to the Xbox One version), and it's certainly the best next gen version. Better graphics and a more stable framerate which is easily noticeable over the Xbox One version. Like other version's though its in dire need of a patch, constantly crashes the to the dash.
Tomorrow I will be giving Killzone a shot then some Skylanders Giant's with the daughter

but so far I'm really impressed after being underwhelmed by the PS3 at launch!