Well this has been my first day one purchase for a home console despite owning a lot of previous ones (Megadrive, Playstation 1,2,3, Dreamcast, N64, Gamecube, 360 etc etc).
Honestly though I think this could be the best of the lot.... the groundwork is certainly there. The console is super fast, I love how quickly everything loads. The connectivity with Facebook is a very nice idea, as are the options with how much integration you wish to have with it are. The latest patch downloaded before I even knew it started its just a shame the PSN was down for a while yesterday as that adds so much functionality to the console. As others have mentioned the console streaming is a REALLY good idea and looks so fun... only downside is there were a lot of ***** who were posting horrible comments on the streamers that were really bad... I can see this scaring away a lot of the "everyday" nice people.
As for the controller again I was really impressed. Coming from the 360 pad I'd say in terms for comfort there are about the same. In terms of functionality the DS4 is perhaps the greatest controller ever. It will take sometime however to stop pressing "Square" when it says press "X" as its in a different position on the 360 controller of course. The lightbar does kind of "leak" away from the controller onto other surfaces. At first I wasn't sure about it but then I thought well that's kind of the idea and its use in games became quite exciting (as well as the possibility of its future use i.e as in Thief as a visible/hidden meter). My favorite new feature though was the Speaker... that was my "wow" moment when the first audio diary came on in Killzone... I never expected it to be so clear, maybe just the odd beep or sound here and there. The only element that seems unproven for me is the touchpad but we will see on that as the games come out... at worst it dosn't take away from proceedings and having an extra two buttons can't hurt.
The games I tried I really enjoyed. Playroom was super fun (lol at tickling that Robots balls to make him happy). Killzone was/is amazing as well, the graphics are so good and clear step up from the 360 and PS3 (which I was a little worried they wouldn't be going in).
The only real downsides for me is the PSN won't accept my VISA debit for some reason so I'll have to look into that and that its a little too easy to hit the fast forward trigger when watching a Blu Ray (due to how the button is positioned on the controller when against the floor). BUT overall VERY happy and so glad I jumped the MS ship this generation; It's a solid
9/10 from me.