*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

I'm loving KZ so far. I'm not finding it boring like some have stated. BF4 is good, I have yet to play that multiplayer online though. Looking forward to some of that tomorrow once the game is updated.

Installing a fresh install to the 1tb SSHD was pretty painless. It took all of 5-10 minutes to complete. The console isn't really that noisy to me. My old fat PS3 was much noisier. It sounds like the bluray drive is making most of the noise. It's quite a high pitched whine when it spins up. (I assume that's it, and not the SSHD!).

The new pads are excellent. So much comfier than the DS3.

Anyway, I've had too much beer. Time for bed I think.
liking the ps4 a lot :)
its defo on par with xboxone and for graphics its a bit better aswell.
been playing need for speed rivals what a awesome game being chased by a real person in a cop car then you engage a 1/1 in the middle of it and its like you 2 vs the cop lol

could play that game for hours :D

killzone is graphicly amazing... and im enjoying it

ghosts WHAT A DIFFERENCE playing that game on ps4 compaired to PC
the pc version runs terrible and stutters on movies and crashes and all sorts of issues
the ps4 version looks great not a lot of difference between it and the pc version...
and as for gameplay its smooth as butter and videos do not stutter half as much as the pc version.. and the controls are smooth and accurate where by the pc version just does not feel right....

contrast is a querky little game, looks great to but you can tell its a indy game
resogun is a mind warping game so much fun and really hard to :D


so far enjoying everything and im glad out of ps4 and xboxone that i did not encounter a single issue with the hardware on both consoles and do not regret getting them both...

about the hardware on the console front
controllers xboxone and ps4`s controllers are much better than there previous versions im not going to say what one is better cause to be truth full there both bloody great.
as for the ps4 and xboxone = ps4 has the looks over the xboxone but the xboxone has the quiet factor its much more quiet compaired to the ps4 but thenagain the ps4 is much more quiet than the 360 was....
the ps4 loads and installs and updates a lot quicker than the xboxone does, you can get into a game on ps4 far quicker.. not much of a + but if your in a hurry can be helpfull.

apart from those very much enjoying ;) though both the xboxone and the ps4 where clearly rushed and require a few UI patches and updates.....
as for the games its been pretty smooth running.

impressed == YES :)
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Just some quick impressions after getting it at 5 and using it non-stop until now.

Aside from the PSn issues, overall it's been a great experience. It's whisper quiet, so much so in fact that I did wonder whether the fan wasn't working right and at some point in the evening it would just overheat! It didn't though so I can only assume it's just a nice quiet fan.

Games install very fast indeed, I think Killzone kept spinning for a few minutes, but other than that I haven't heard the disc spin up again during play. Knack installed extremely quickly. I was watching the space used by the install shoot up as it was installing, very fast.

Multi-tasking works really well (again aside from the PSN issues). When I managed to get a few downloads going they flew by while I carried on playing Killzone.

The controller feels very solid and very precise for analogue sticks. The speaker in the controller takes a little getting used to but I like how it's used in some instances.

I briefly tried remote play just to see what it's range was like and I can happily use it without any deterioration whilst in bed, now that's awesome! Not to mention how surprised I was by such little/indiscernible lag.

Overall I'm thoroughly impressed, it lives up to expectations, and will only get better.

Incidentally, does everyone's profile show their real name on the XMB? I've set it to use my PSN ID for everything, but on local stuff it's using my real name.
I dont understand why people got so worked up over the ps3 controller. It was perfectly fine for me never had anything bad to say about it and if im honest i dont notice the difference at all when im on PS4. I have small hands maybe thays why i never had a problem though :D
Looks like you're going to have to take it back for a replacement/refund and hope new stock comes in shortly. I wouldn't bother going through Sony to have it repaired as you'd probably have a long wait on your hands.

Back from work, chatting to Amazon. Have to say I'm really disappointed.

Pre ordered at 8.00.01 on the 11th June 2013 and Amazon are basically saying they have absolutely no stock left and no idea when they will have stock in. They can offer me a refund and I can re order the console when they have stock.
Wanted to post my impressions based on a day with this...

Initial bootup was all smooth. Downloaded the update in about 1 minute which was amazing and i love how quick and fluid the UI feels. So much more fun to use than the old ps3 one.
I like the live feeds that you can watch so easy...a really good way to help you decide what new games to buy as you can have a good watch. While i had my dinner i sat back and watched a guy play some knack and it was really good....smooth connection and good quality picture.
Thought the mic would be a gimmick but the voice commands help a lot and i like how that works.
I love how easily you can go out of a game do something else for a bit then carry on the game from where you left off. Its seamless and very fast.
Controller feels much more natural in my hands than the DS3 did. I thought the light would annoy me but because of how its tilted and where its placed i never really notice it when im gaming which is good. I love how it flashes red and so on when your low on health.
The mic is a really cool feature and having audio logs come from the controller really adds to the immersion .
Killzone...on chapter 4 so far but at the moment i wouldn't say its amazing but its kept me entertained and its a great showcase for the power of the ps4. Can only imagine how games will look in the future if launch games look this good.
Is it the best graphics i've seen so far? Its close but i still think bf4 on ultra edges it but not by much. It is beautiful to look at though.
Resogun is gorgeous in its own way too and very addictive. Didn't want to put it down lol.
Watched a bluray tonight and to be honest it was about the same as watching it on my ps3 quality wise...not really any difference apart from the fact you don't have many options so it seems like they have simplified it a lot but it all worked fine.

Negatives.....hmmm not really many i can think of to be honest.
I downloaded the fifa demo but it came up with some rubbish about needing a licence to play it...PSN game prices are poor and i won't be buying digital for some time if they stay like that.
Overall im very impressed and can't wait to see what they add in the future and what other games are like on this beast of a system.
Hope they add DLNA soon as i really wan't to get rid of my ps3.
Do you not wish it had a mini map of some sort though? It took me ages to find the aa guns on chapter 2 as you have to double back to where you came from

I was getting lost too, but if you press Up briefly on the dpad, it brings up your objectives top right and it marks them with orange circle way point markers in your view for a few seconds.. Total godsend.

I am finding the combat clunky, but it's more me getting used to the games design direction I think, looks great though, although I prefer BF4 for its realistic lighting etc.
Well argos parcel tracking is complete tosh, console is down to be delivered today and the tracking system doesn't even bother to show anything, it simply says unable to display info. Hopefully it will arrive at a reasonable time hassle free!

Any one have any idea who Argos use for smaller items? Tracking number starts AD if that is any indication.

I must say that after watching some reviews i am quite looking forward to playing warframe. Cant knock a free game and it looks great quality wise. Could well be a feature that keeps me far more interested in my consoles than i have been in the past.
Going from having no interest in a new console 3 weeks ago to now being very excited at the prospect of scratching my gaming fix.
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Has anyone got Astro A40s working on this yet ? I bought an adapter for the chat lead to make one end 3.5mm and it wasn't working frustrating because the ear bud is terrible

What mixamp do you have?

For the quiet question on a40's I had this and had to turn the volume up in settings. I need to test with another friend as the one I was playing with is usually quiet on the old consoles. I know my mic works fine as when I recorded a voice message it was as really loud with just talkng normally.

This was using my wireless mixamp 5.8 I'll try my 2013 wired mixamp tonight.
My first reaction to Resogun was a little underwhelming, because Super Stardust HD does, in some ways, look prettier. Less chunky anyway, though that's voxels for you.

But you soon start to notice all the more subtle effects, and when I reached the end of the first level, doing the whole 'Armaggeddon' thing, my inner five year old could only sit there and stare. That definitely felt next gen.

I just wish they did a PC version, then I could have saved myself £350. :-)
Back from work, chatting to Amazon. Have to say I'm really disappointed.

Pre ordered at 8.00.01 on the 11th June 2013 and Amazon are basically saying they have absolutely no stock left and no idea when they will have stock in. They can offer me a refund and I can re order the console when they have stock.

Really poor show from Amazon. I was in the same boat but Sony are sorting it.
Did you order a pack or just a console?

I see you have the phone number for Sony from the other thread. I'm sure they'll get one out to you next week.
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Back from work, chatting to Amazon. Have to say I'm really disappointed.

Pre ordered at 8.00.01 on the 11th June 2013 and Amazon are basically saying they have absolutely no stock left and no idea when they will have stock in. They can offer me a refund and I can re order the console when they have stock.

Call Sony if you have an issue. They're swapping out consoles as early as next Tues/Weds
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