So after a few days of playing,
Ghosts: I've not played a CoD since MW1 so this is sort of fresh to me and I am enjoying it haha, not touched mp though yet. Just liking the single player
Killzone: Not bad, very pretty to look at. In fact I am looking around a lot and getting shot because I am not paying attention xD. MP I am very bad at it seems and cannot aim at all haha. Still not too keen on the sensitivity of the sticks and aiming just like the other killzones, just cannot get it to feel right no matter how I change the sensitivity :\
AC4: Why did I buy this... mainly for the story but gameplay wise it has yet to get my attention, just same old same old, including animations and glitches when climbing etc :\ Perhaps once I get more into the boating I will have more fun, hopefully.
Resogun: This is pretty addictive and online co-op is a blast
Knack: Ok it's pretty linear but I don't get why it got so low reviews to be honest, find them pretty harsh. It's not an 8 or 9 for sure, but I have it at a 7 atm because the check points are REALLY bad in places, which is annoying because I die a lot. People were not joking when they said this game was hard.
Need for Speed: The most fun game out the lot for me personally, just the fact it's not all AI and there are other players just make it so much more fun.