*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

In the settings menu somewhere is the option to restore licences.

Edit: its under the psn heading near the top of settings. I would guess to try that?

Thank you very much :D

How often will the ps+ content change, is it every month ?

Also will previous ps+ games that I've downloaded such as resogun stay on my system ?
Plenty of people on here do in fact one guy was selling his on members market. Personally I think they are really expensive and technically cheating.

That is just really sad. Its like playing your best at football against a special needs team......

Also with match making now, if these guys are destroying controller players constantly then they will keep rising in the placement ranks and all just end up playing each other anyway, so jokes on them.

So sad...
So in theory, I could connect that to my cans and plug it into the DS4?

How well is the sound reproduction via it.

Also how comptable is the Mix Amp with the PS4?

If it has a 3.5mm jack then yes. Sounds decent enough, better than the included headset anyway. No idea about the Mix Amp.
Is the camera worth it? Those of you who have one

The voice commands work well, but then you can do the same with a mic attached to your controller. The camera quality is pretty poor on the PS4 though, but if you're going to be streaming it's handy to put your ugly mug there.

Begbie, the 2011 Mixamp is fudged for voice communication on the PS4. You have to turn the mic balance and the main volume up to max to barely hear anyone.
So in theory, I could connect that to my cans and plug it into the DS4?

How well is the sound reproduction via it.

Also how comptable is the Mix Amp with the PS4?

If you mean the astro mixamp then depends on version. The first generation one doesn't do USB mic so wouldn't be plug and play. The second one and the newest 2013 both have USB mic so any headphones with a mic that you plug in will work. I have had all of the different versions and I recommend the 2013 edition if wires aren't a problem. What you plug into it is up to your own a preference.

I was experiencing low chat volume on the wireless mixamp but no problems on the 2013. I have now charged it up so need to test it again. If you get the wireless amp make sure you get the 5.8 ps3 mic adaptor which gives it USB mic compatibility.
Plenty of people on here do in fact one guy was selling his on members market. Personally I think they are really expensive and technically cheating.

Wow, that's actually awesome imo. An advantage it may be in terms of responsiveness, but to people who have gamed on PC's all their life, a controller ius a horrible FPS experience, and at least with one of these then you can play them how you want to play them. Besides, people who have used consoles for years are so good with joypads as to be easily as good as an above average keyboard and mouse FPS'er. Only the top few % of hardcore PC gamers will have such a big advantage imo.

I am not a great FPS gamer on PC (I just haven't got the lightning reactions for it), and such with joypads on consoles, so this is the exact kind of thing I can see myself buying with a clear conscience to make me at least on a level playing field with people who are good with joypads. :)

EDIT - It does seem it's a pita to setup though according to research, and does seem to have some negatives.
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Just uploaded a little video of the FIFA demo to Facebook and the quality was awful! I expected some loss but it was almost impossible to see the ball.
I bought Playstation plus 3 months online through the sony site, yet when i goto the PSN+ bit on the ps4 it keeps asking me to join psn? any idea why that is? do i need to activate it somehow or something
So after a few days of playing,

Ghosts: I've not played a CoD since MW1 so this is sort of fresh to me and I am enjoying it haha, not touched mp though yet. Just liking the single player :)

Killzone: Not bad, very pretty to look at. In fact I am looking around a lot and getting shot because I am not paying attention xD. MP I am very bad at it seems and cannot aim at all haha. Still not too keen on the sensitivity of the sticks and aiming just like the other killzones, just cannot get it to feel right no matter how I change the sensitivity :\

AC4: Why did I buy this... mainly for the story but gameplay wise it has yet to get my attention, just same old same old, including animations and glitches when climbing etc :\ Perhaps once I get more into the boating I will have more fun, hopefully.

Resogun: This is pretty addictive and online co-op is a blast :D

Knack: Ok it's pretty linear but I don't get why it got so low reviews to be honest, find them pretty harsh. It's not an 8 or 9 for sure, but I have it at a 7 atm because the check points are REALLY bad in places, which is annoying because I die a lot. People were not joking when they said this game was hard.

Need for Speed: The most fun game out the lot for me personally, just the fact it's not all AI and there are other players just make it so much more fun.
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