*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

So I got everything set up last night (got home after 10pm)...PSN subscribed...I have No Friends and 0 Trophies :p Late to this PSN party!

Console was ridiculously quiet, update was relatively quick and decided to download Contrast and Rezogun since they're free on PSN right now...they'll be waiting on me coming home as well as Knack :rolleyes: (ok...I'll give it a go).

2nd Dual Shock 4 should arrive today also (£39 via Gamestop) and possibly Killzone and Fifa, so I'll be pretty set.

Anyways get me added, RRRRodgA :)
it's not just the resolution and frame jump thats making it such a big leap.

it's all the extras on top too, like you can turn AA on in war thunder, etc.

the games are a lot bigger, in terms of map size, far more texture detail, models look unbelievable. everything has improved by a large margin.

i have just never been this impressed before, apart from the era of goldeneye for n64 or the original driver on ps1

I find it's the little things that blow me away. Ac4 for example. When am sailing and a storm comes in. Starts to rain slightly then gets heavier. Walking down a street starts to rain and puddles starts forming. Then the water is runing down the hill.

Effects like dust and snow drifts in killzone and bf4 make me stop and go wow.

I can't wait for infamous. It will set a new bench mark.
so glad i went to Sainsburys on the 29th on the of chance of getting one, i would be going mad with envy having to wait for the phase 3 consoles with Game
do you even know the resolution and fps most games were on ps3?

it's a huge jump going from less than 720 HD res and 30fps to 1080P @ 60fps.

most of the games on ps3 were below 720 HD res and upscaled.

It's not all about the numbers though, the law of diminishing returns proves that.
OK so I've had my first go on Resogun, and it's utterly mental. Who says there isn't a place for old school arcade in modern console gaming!

Edit: I've just purchased the Blacklight game for free, so I suppose it is available. :)
Thanks for that, i just rang them myself and they said they have temporarily added some on the Amazon UK site until there site is ready for ordering in the UK.. Almost £10 inc shipping but hopefully makes my Astros work as i recieved another adapter today and no luck.

Thanks for that ordered one off Amazon for my wirelees mix amp. Mine was free p+p though.
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