Poll: *The Official PlayStation (PS5/PS5 Pro) Thread*

Will you be buying a PS5 Pro on release?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 11.9%
  • No (not at £700 Lol)

    Votes: 151 62.1%
  • No (other)

    Votes: 51 21.0%
  • Pancake

    Votes: 12 4.9%

  • Total voters
Just finished the demo of stellar blade.

Killed the boss on 2nd attempt.

Not sure how I feel about it.

Looks like there will be some decent mechanics and gameplay but the voice acting so far feels a bit iffy and I’ve never been one for the Japanese view of women in games, ie skin tight (or revealing) clothes and massive boobs.

Just feels a bit tacky and immature in some way.

Oh and the exploring music is just rubbish. Had to turn it off.
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Just finished the demo of stellar blade.

Killed the boss on 2nd attempt.

Not sure how I feel about it.

Looks like there will be some decent mechanics and gameplay but the voice acting so far feels a bit iffy and I’ve never been one for the Japanese view of women in games, ie skin tight (or revealing) clothes and massive boobs.

Just feels a bit tacky and immature in some way.

Oh and the exploring music is just rubbish. Had to turn it off.
Honestly, after the initial 10 minutes or so, the character model was just another Lara Croft to me, though I expect some would be in a photo mode having a right perv.

It's probably a topic that could fill it's own thread, but I applaud the devs for not caving to the backlash, they have a certain style they wanted, and stuck with it. Bet there was/is going to be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about it being any number of "ists" or mysoginistic (yada yada) when it comes out.

The music wasn't to my taste, but each to their own, and you can turn it off - the voice acting of one character in the demo felt at odds with how they looked; but on the whole, I think the English language voice acting was actually pretty decent. I expect it'll be like the recent All Quiet on the Western Front film, and it'll be better in the native language with subtitles on.

I'm in no rush to get it personally, as the price will take a few months to come down to reality, but I will definitely pick up a copy
Just finished the demo of stellar blade.

Killed the boss on 2nd attempt.

Not sure how I feel about it.

Looks like there will be some decent mechanics and gameplay but the voice acting so far feels a bit iffy and I’ve never been one for the Japanese view of women in games, ie skin tight (or revealing) clothes and massive boobs.

Just feels a bit tacky and immature in some way.

Oh and the exploring music is just rubbish. Had to turn it off.

It's a Korean studio, I'll be playing in Korean language rather than English.

Try out the challenge boss that it unlocks when you complete the demo bit as it's tougher than the main demo boss.
Honestly, after the initial 10 minutes or so, the character model was just another Lara Croft to me, though I expect some would be in a photo mode having a right perv

Honestly the game seems good even with this type of main character. I wouldn't play it if I wasn't enjoying it! Just having a good model doesn't make a game worth playing by itself.
It’s Korean, and there’s no photo mode. Edit (yet)

I have pre ordered. But I hope it doesn’t get too difficult. I’m not very good at souls games.
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Played 4hrs of Cyberpunk - was bored af.

Granted the very first trailer all those years ago did nothing for me as futuristic cyberpunk stuff just isn’t my thing but I kept a distant eye on it hoping it would be different.

In the first 10mins I saw the same NPC in different places/occupations. I saw npcs moving unrealistically around and the worst experience was when I went to talk to a cop and had an npc clip into view so I ended up grabbing him by accident and then got gunned down by said cops.

I got as far as meeting Judy and messing around with the braindance feature.
Honestly, after the initial 10 minutes or so, the character model was just another Lara Croft to me, though I expect some would be in a photo mode having a right perv.

It's probably a topic that could fill it's own thread, but I applaud the devs for not caving to the backlash, they have a certain style they wanted, and stuck with it. Bet there was/is going to be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about it being any number of "ists" or mysoginistic (yada yada) when it comes out.

The music wasn't to my taste, but each to their own, and you can turn it off - the voice acting of one character in the demo felt at odds with how they looked; but on the whole, I think the English language voice acting was actually pretty decent. I expect it'll be like the recent All Quiet on the Western Front film, and it'll be better in the native language with subtitles on.

I'm in no rush to get it personally, as the price will take a few months to come down to reality, but I will definitely pick up a copy

Clearly it is a cultural thing, but don’t worry, I’m not foaming at the mouth nor am I one of the “ists” you mention. I just find it a curious thing that the women are all in skin tight clothing with massive boobs (inc. the jiggle(TM) physics engine)! There’s a few interesting camera angles here and there too.

I dunno, I just find the whole style a little bit weird and completely at odds with the purported serious tone of the story and the game world but I guess it’s no different to the early tomb raider games. Perhaps I’d feel differently if we are introduced to some lore to explain the existence of the big boobed supermodel warriors.

What I can say is the game seems to run well and the fighting mechanics seem to work well and the effects in battle are pretty cool. If gameplay, lore, story and acting holds up, then I’ll probably pick it up. I guess time will tell.
Just finished the demo of stellar blade.

Killed the boss on 2nd attempt.

Not sure how I feel about it.

Looks like there will be some decent mechanics and gameplay but the voice acting so far feels a bit iffy and I’ve never been one for the Japanese view of women in games, ie skin tight (or revealing) clothes and massive boobs.

Just feels a bit tacky and immature in some way.

Oh and the exploring music is just rubbish. Had to turn it off.
Do you feel the same way about all the games with jacked male characters with their shirts off?

@Scort Oh there already is. Twitter is filled with people very angry about the game. When it was first revealed they were all calling her "unrealistic", but then it came out that they 3D scanned a real Korean model which made them all look rather silly.
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I dunno, I just find the whole style a little bit weird and completely at odds with the purported serious tone of the story and the game world but I guess it’s no different to the early tomb raider games. Perhaps I’d feel differently if we are introduced to some lore to explain the existence of the big boobed supermodel warriors.

I may just be de-sensitised to this a bit but there is nothing too extreme here, it's not really worse than say Bayonetta, but I get it, it's probably not everyone's cup of tea.

I would say that whilst the game has a fairly serious tone to it, it's also a sort of power fantasy right? you're playing a character that is in a world that is quite different from our own.

Personally I am OK with playing a character that is unrealistic here, I would rather play as Eve than as a pleb such as someone like me, I don't play games to self-insert myself into them, they're a form of escapism.

Leave the drab, boring, real world behind, and go kill some monsters in style with flashy moves.

Do you feel the same way about all the games with jacked male characters with their shirts off?

I know this question isn't to me, but hell yeah I'm cool with some equal opportunity here, if someone wants to make a Stellar Blade with a half naked male running around in skin-tight clothes, then more power to them.

Most important thing for me, this is just a game, and it existing doesn't hurt anyone unless they choose to let it.

Tons of stuff I don't like gets made, but if there is a market for it, and it's not doing anything illegal, I don't see the issue with letting people create more or less what they want. I can choose to ignore the things that I don't like, and I can focus on the things I do.

I think games have often gone too much the other way trying to please everyone, and it's refreshing having a studio that has a vision and gets the job done, and I think they've excelled at more than just scanning in a pretty character here.
Just finished the SB demo. Enjoyed it for what it was. I am not sure if its my thing though - visuals of the ruined cities were quite poor and reminded me of the ruined cities from Gears of War. The music was rather off putting and felt out of place to me. I'd rather not have nightclub music blasting away during a big fight!

Parrying felt off whilst dodge was ok I found, but then I don’t really play these sort of games.
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A fair few people are commenting on the dodge and parry mechanics being laggy/slow. However I think there are upgrades in the skill tree to improve them.

I thought the visuals were stunning myself. The music was good, just a shame it’s the one track on repeat for the demo.

The little gameplay reel that played at the end of the demo looked fantastic. Speaking of that.. Actually gonna play through it again now.
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I managed to down the challenge boss without any equipment equipped or item use, so no heals or gear on my character at all, no guns, grenades etc.

I can't do no damage though yet, it's a bridge too far, I always get hit by something. Was lowish hp when I killed it, but I think that's good enough for me :D

There are indeed upgrades in the tree to improve on perfect dodge and parry, you can also equip this on your exoskeleton thing in the challenge boss pre-stage bit before you enter the room.

Game definitely seems to favour parry though, but I think dodge has it's place and using both will be viable.

I really want to get back to playing the actual game here, sadly got to wait.
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I managed to down the challenge boss without any equipment equipped or item use, so no heals or gear on my character at all, no guns, grenades etc.

I can't do no damage though yet, it's a bridge too far, I always get hit by something. Was lowish hp when I killed it, but I think that's good enough for me :D

There are indeed upgrades in the tree to improve on perfect dodge and parry, you can also equip this on your exoskeleton thing in the challenge boss pre-stage bit before you enter the room.

Game definitely seems to favour parry though, but I think dodge has it's place and using both will be viable.

I really want to get back to playing the actual game here, sadly got to wait.
I got it down to quarter health by just spamming the parry and using the triangle mega attack thing. Haven’t beaten it yet though. I could, if I really tried. But eh, I’m planning on playing story mode anyways.
The dodge roll only seems useful when the enemy flashes blue ? Saying that, I’m sure you’re invincible when you dodge roll and turn red while doing so.. not sure
The dodge roll only seems useful when the enemy flashes blue ? Saying that, I’m sure you’re invincible when you dodge roll and turn red while doing so.. not sure

Blue means you need to blink when your sword flashes blue, so dodge + forward which blinks behind the enemy.

Purple means you need to dodge + backwards.

You can perfect dodge any attack you want as well, like the rocks he chucks at you, or the charge he does at the start. If you hold triangle after a perfect dodge you teleport in front of the enemy and deal a heavy attack/minor stun, this doesn't share cooldown with your usual rush (hold triangle) ability. This is a skill which you don't start with though, but it's in the challenge mode as more stuff is unlocked there.

For standard perfect dodge I do find not using a direction and holding dodge feels better. But generally speaking if not having to dodge, I think I'd usually just parry.
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