The Official Prometheus (Alien Prequel) Thread

14 Sep 2007
It's been up in the air for ages now but it seems as though Ridley Scott is definately going to be in the directors chair for a new Alien movie. It's not going to be a restart/reboot which hollywood is so fond of these days, it's an honest to goodness prequel to the first movie.

I for one am over the moon with this, with a director of Scott's calibre in charge this could actually work.

Just a little extra information on this...

Official Synopsis

"In the distant future, two superpowers control Earth and fight each other for all the solar system's natural resources. When one side dispatches a team to a distant planet to terraform it for human colonization, the team discovers an indigenous race of bio-mechanoid killers.

Ridley Scott, director of 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner,' returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

Genre: Science Fiction
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace
Release Date: June 8, 2012"

Unofficial Synopsis

"The story takes place in the distant future. There are two superpowers on Earth fighting each other for what's left of the remaining natural resources spread out across the solar system. One of these superpowers have created and sent a giant terraforming ship to a distant planet called Erix. Their hope is to take this living world and reshape it so that humans can live there. This enormous terraforming spacecraft lands on Erix, a harsh and uninhabitable planet where it dispenses six smaller mobile units called Crawlers which spread across 125 kilometers of the planet and sow seeds which then terraform the planet. And the name of this terraforming spaceship is..."Prometheus." The severity of Erix's indigenous life is notable which are essentially referred to as bio-mechanoid killers."




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I can predict multiple replies of "this has got Scott onboard - he's the original director - he directed the first one - did you know he directed the first one - it's going to be great - woo" etc.

And then when the trailer comes out - "OMG this is going to be incredible - this is just what I wanted blah blah blah nyeeehhh"

It's going to suck.
3 was a good film marred by poor editing and poor box office timing when cinema viewers wanted to watch Batman Returns.

If we are doing "Its **** director it must be good" as I'm sure you guys will know, the director of Alien 3 also did Fight Club and Se7en not exactly rubbish films.

Resurection is also a good film until the queen hybrid bits at the end.

What Scott will bring to the table is funding and quality. He is not always on the button but he will make one of the better stabs at making a decent film.

I wonder if it will come out before "The Thing" prequel. It will be like the late 70s all over again :)
I wonder if it will come out before "The Thing" prequel.

What...for real...why?

The new Alien prequel and Predators (3) I understand, they have a massive following and new movies are in demand, but surely The Thing isn't that popular these days. It's a classic movie, watched it again the other week, but don't think it really needs a prequel.

No doubt someone will say Alien doesn't need a prequel...all i'll say to that is, i'd rather have another poor Alien movie than no Alien movie at all.

I slated AVP and AVP:R but deep down i'm glad they got made. Watched them numerous times and although i'll poke holes in them all the way through, I do enjoy them.
3 was a good film marred by poor editing and poor box office timing when cinema viewers wanted to watch Batman Returns.

I don't think poor box office timing came into it. I was stoked to see Alien 3 but compared to 1 and 2 it was just rubbish. It wasn't just the editing but an awful script, a tired concept and a franchise that should have been laid to rest after the second film. After doing the "haunted house" film, and the "rollercoaster" film [both as Weaver described them] there was literally nowhere for the series to go.

If we are doing "Its **** director it must be good" as I'm sure you guys will know, the director of Alien 3 also did Fight Club and Se7en not exactly rubbish films.

That's not really what I was implying. Scott directed Alien thirty years ago. This film will be like trying to resuscitate a coma victim with jump leads.
If they stay true to The Thing's roots by using epic animatronics and completely avoid CGI, it has the potential to be amazing.
If it's good, great I'll watch it. If it's rubbish, I won't or I'll wait for the DVD. No big deal either way.

I agree with the sentiment that a bad Alien movie is better than none at all.
If they stay true to The Thing's roots by using epic animatronics and completely avoid CGI, it has the potential to be amazing.

The problem is that CGI is so easy and less hassle for the directors. I cant see them not using CGI but i just hope they dont over use it like in star wars III.
What plot elements could possibly make sense in an Alien prequel? Mind you, what made sense about AVP 1&2!!

I'm guessing maybe going into the derelict story on Lv426, how/why it got there perhaps. Scott has repeatedly mentioned an Alien homeworld idea, seeing them in a natural environment, however Predators is going to be based on the homeworld so would be too similar.

There are many avenues this movie could go down, I hope it will be standalone and have no links to any other movie aside from the Alien itself. I think he also said in a recent interview that this new movie will be about a single Alien.
This will, at the very least, be decent.

In fact, I don't think it'll be anything else but decent.

I mean, we've already had two dodgy prequels, so hopefully this'll be better than the AVP movies.
What plot elements could possibly make sense in an Alien prequel? Mind you, what made sense about AVP 1&2!!

That's what I'm thinking. How the race of giants picked up the alien that made them crash on LV-426? Who even cares? The mystery was part of the film's original appeal.

Giger's set designs were also what made the first film so atmospheric. Get him on it or resurrect Beksinski, then my interest will be piqued.
An alien homeworld! Perhaps it will turn out that the big elephant face aliens have been behind all the UFO abductions in history, and have been using humans and all the Star Wars aliens from all over the universe to 'breed' aliens on their homeworld! Yeah!
It could be like Planet of the Apes but with lots of aliens! And knights in armour probably.
What...for real...why?

What do you mean? Why do another The Thing or why before Alien.

If they do get made and if they come out at a similar time it will be similar to when the first films came out - there was only a year or two between them.

If why do another well the original The Thing was what 50s? So if you release one every 30 odd years we are due another :)

I've heard it could be the Norweigans story but I'm not convinced filming will start (as I'm not convinced Alien 5 and Pred 3 will actually make it to screen) these are just rumours and scripts being thrown around.

Directors make a huge difference to a film. You can pretty much tell a Scott film even if you don't know its one of his. Similarly if the camera is moving far too fast, the scenes cut every few seconds and the camera appears constantly pointing in the wrong direction and theres no sense of distance and time then odds on its Michael Bay.
I love Alien and Aliens.

This will suck Balls and ruin two great films more than 3 and 4 did!

I never understand this line of thinking, why does a bad film in a franchise effect the good predecessors?

Even if it is crap it doesnt mean i wont enjoy 1 or 2 as much as I normally do.

The same thing happened with Terminator, 3 sucked but that doesn't mean 1 and 2 were bad films by association. I'll continue to enjoy the good films in a series even if greedy Hollywood continues to pump out quick cash generators based on movie series.
No reason for it to be bad. The Star Trek reboot was constantly slated prior to its release and look how that turned out. Of course it makes a difference if Ridley Scott is overboard. That is a huge difference from someone like Paul WS Anderson directing AVP.

I reckon the Darren Aronofsky Robocop sequel will be decent as well. It's not impossible.
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