As do I, normally I'd test the system first, drop the multi crank up the fsb and find the controller/memory limits with blend and memtest. Then higher multi with small ffts to find the cpu's limit and maximum temps. At least then if it fails I know its not the system. I've seen 8hr+ blend stable systems fail in minutes under small ffts. When it come to stability 'each to their own', the stability debate always seems to get quite heated (excuse the pun).
I've tested a few apps in the past, CPU-Burn-in, TAT and SP2004 (small ffts) pull a lot of current. OCCT and S&M can be quite demanding as well. I haven't tried any of those with the quad, no idea on compatibility. Probably the most demanding would be folding.
CPU Burn In
Prime v25.4
Superb post