I've finally cracked, it's been building a while now, I am totally hacked off with the modern ruck and tackle.
The standard is now for for the tackler not to release and rolling away seems to be coming quite arbitrary in its application. Everyione attempting to compete for the ball reaches beyond the ball seals off with their hands on the ground and then jackal back onto the ball and win a penalty for holding on. I appreciate organised teams can support thier runners well enough to clear out but it is still irritating me.
The scrum has become an absolute farce and the referees are absolutely to blame having not applied the laws for nearly a decade. The lineout is only a contest these days when the hooker forgets to throw it in straight but 1 metre toward his own team.
I love rugby having played 25+ seasons in the lst 32 years but I'm beginning to find the international game difficult to watch and very annoying.