***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Carphonewarehouse are saying they actually have physical stock of the white version which arrived yesterday. Still stock available for delivery tomorrow if you call up.
They only have white ones on display here, looks better in the flesh than I thought it would, and is really nice to hold. The screen is awesomesauce!
I reckon we'll find there will be a small amount of stock of both the white and blue available on release day, but not even close to being near enough. Most won't get one and will be forced to wait till the middle of next week.

Very annoyed as my phone recycle thing is going to expire and the value is down to £200 now and only set to drop further.


Right just called Phones4U they have confirmed they are not getting any stock. They are waiting on an official statement from Samsung which they are hoping to obtain this afternoon. 2-4 weeks seems the delay time. I'm waiting on a call back to change my order over to a white hand set now.
Looks like I'll be carrying on for even longer with this Lumia 800 with the monstrous scratch down the screen, while samsung sort the stock out. :(
One thing is clear, the price better drop a bit within 2-4 weeks of all this. Play say their system will refund the difference in the event of any price drops while an item is in pre-order status.
White still on for the 30th at Play.

I won't have the money to order this until tomorrow morning, and I'm guessing there will be plenty of people that have ordered the white due to not wanting to wait for the blue. So I think I'll struggle to get one. :(
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