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The REX guys were on FSBreak recently talking about Lattitude, sounded interesting but until they get a FS9 and XPlane clients the multiplayer aspect will suffer. I help run an FSD server for the Bristol FS Group so we can fly online together but it was written in the dark ages. A new cross platform multiplayer system would be awesome (I'd prefer to run my own server though and I doubt Lattitude supports that)
I saw they were bringing something 'new' to the market and this is it.

It's not something I'd jump to use. I'm happy in my own little bubble.

Flight1 have done something similar - and I don't know what the popularity is, so wouldn't know the market potential for this.

The best thing anyone could ever do for FSX is to do something to magically increase frame rates for reasonable hardware. A little USB2 stick with a 'supercell' FSX advanced frame rate processor would be a start..

Yeah it doesn't interest me either but it seemed to have come about without much mention.

You see, I’m the opposite. I welcome this to FSX. I think this will be great. As much as I enjoy flying online adding something extra to your flying experience can only benefit you and make your flying more enjoyable. Yes, it’s not even launched yet and this might fall flat on its face. With a company like REX studios behind it, I can’t see them messing it up too much. Just look at REX!

That’s why I love flying for FedEx Virtual. Because the software you use is great. You basically run your own business and have to make sure you not running your business at a loss etc etc. It just adds that extra realism to your flying. It's boring just flying from A to B, IMO anyway.

That little “USB2 stick with a 'supercell' FSX advanced frame rate processor” it’s called prepar3d :p;)
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I see Latitude is now available from FSS for ~25UK. Not much use for me, I'd have the Latitude equivalent of the FAA after me and banning me from flying ;) Perhaps they didn't implement that :)

Fingers crossed from your del today Blue
Latitude seems reasonable value with lots for your money.

Picnic, I'm sure they've taken your flying into account with the equivalent of ANPR on the taxiways if you'd manage to slip through the Ground Controller.
Latitude likes a much more polished version of FSPassengers in some ways with the career type functions and point scores for landing etc. I wonder if it lets you make the passengers scream :D
We love pressure. Why do you think we such good pilots :D

Good stuff, interested to hear what you think of your goods. I had a little nosey on ebay yesterday too. :o

Will be keeping a close eye on Latitude.

I’m also really close to purchasing Prepar3d. I’m only hearing positive reviews about this. In spring(so its rumored)they are launching update 2.0 which is meant to be outstanding!
One thing holding me back though is Aivlasoft EFB, they are still in the process of deveolping it for Prepar3d. EFB is a fantastic product and a must have for IFR flying. Most of the other addons you can port across.

I might just use it for VFR then as that’s what I’m really enjoying these days.

ive been umming and ahhing over prepar3d for quite some time. Rumour has it that the 2.0 update will bring dx11 to the table (sounds awesome), but might break backwards compatibility with current fsx addons (sounds not so awesome). If this is true then i will be interested to see which developers will port existing products for free (aerosoft?) which will charge for ports and which ones simply cant be bothered.

If all else fails, then there's the dx10 patch on the avsim forums thats making significant headway with fixing the buggy mess that is dx10 in fsx. If they can figure out a way of fixing the white ground textures at some airports then that would be amazing...
Latitude has launched a pilot portal.

They could have reset the beta testers scores so everyone had a chance to compete with Douglas Reid ;)

Remember that the V2 upgrade of P3D will cost for those on the acedemic license, LM have said there will be an upgrade fee. If you're going for this license then I'd act sooner or wait for V2. I'm waiting because if it does break the backward compatibility it's a whole new adventure and I hate to think how much it'll cost to get back to where we're at with FSX
I thought you can port ALL your addons with this tool?

The guys over at AVSIM said this is the best out there. It woks very very well.

The other slight hesitation as you mentioned is the fee again when they bring out v2. I'm not sure what sort of figures we looking at.

£30 quid for prepar3d, £10 for the tool. It might just be worth the £40 :rolleyes:

Oh yes, I agree about Mr Reid. A little unfair for the rest of us lol :p
Yeah, you can port addons to the current version of prepar3d, I was on about the upcoming V2.0 that *might* break the backwards compatibility. Only time will tell I guess.
Flightbeam are also having a 30% off Black Friday sale:

I'm a huge fan of realism and I trained about 20 miles down the road from Phoenix Sky Harbour (even managed to fly right over it at 2500' at night once!). Flightbeam's scenery of KPHX is absolutely spot on, quite possibly the most detailed and immersive airport i've ever seen in FSX
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Flightbeam are also having a 30% off Black Friday sale:

I'm a huge fan of realism and I trained about 20 miles down the road from Phoenix Sky Harbour (even managed to fly right over it at 2500' at night once!). Flightbeam's scenery of KPHX is absolutely spot on, quite possibly the most detailed and immersive airport i've ever seen in FSX

I tried the free trial. It lasted about 10min :eek:
So I took part in the Bristol Real Ops this morning. First plane to land. Flew from Girona in Spain.

On another note. My REX is really playing up. Raining in Bristol but I don't have any clouds! :rolleyes:
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