The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Sorry, I can't fly tonight.. dinner guest.

btw, thanks for the code. I've bought 2 x items.

Orbx - FTX: NA Blue USA/Canada Pacific Northwest

And Dublin 2009.
£20. job done!

Two great we can do some flying there.:D

NZ North and South are very good too.

Oh yes , what was the free pushback service please mate?
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Being new to the Orbx stuff, it seems I'm missing a 'ftx_aero.xml' file.

Nothing points to it on Google.

Why hasn't this installed/been created for me?

So I ran out of room on my SSD.

I created an ORBX folder on my other harddrive and 'symbolic linked' it back to my SSD FSX installation folder.

I then installed the ORBX Libs and tried the control panels again.. All working so far.
Hey chaps.

Can I ask for a little help please?

Been practicing my PMDG 737 NGX for a little while now and it is generally going well (loading up flight plans to the FMC is still a little confusing).

Anyway, what I wanted to know is, if the preprogrammed flight plan intersects the localiser and glide slope before the end of the flight, and you have enabled VOR LOC mode on the MCP (and are in VNAV and LNAV mode), will the plane follow the runway heading or carry on it's flight plan?

The reason I ask is that I was doing a flight to Birmingham the other day when something strange happened. The plan called for a left turn a few miles from the runway to do a loop since I had too much height and speed. The purple line on the map shows the correct planned route, but for reasons I am not sure about, the plane continued straight towards the runway.

So what do you guys think?


PS Based on this experience, I don't suppose someone could also tell me how to get the autopilot to resume a preprogrammed flight after a deviation? Thanks again.
What you need to do is have the ILS frequencies in the NAV radios. In the real world you would most likely be vectored towards the ILS. Normally you will fly the route/STAR in LNAV/VNAV and then when cleared for the approach you would enable VOR LOC/APP as required. There are so many possibilities though; it's difficult to narrow down your problem exactly. The PMDG tutorials should explain how to go from LNAV to APP mode properly.
If you hit 'VOR LOC' the plane will do a non-precision approach. You'll need to control the descent. If you carry on without changing anything you'll need to enable 'HDG' mode, fly the runway heading and follow the missed approach procedure.

Easiest is to be 2500 ft, 10nm or so and hit App with Nav1,2 tuned into the the ILS. Then hit 'CMD B' for the full party-piece autoland.
So far so good thanks.

I ran the installer for Dublin 2009 and excitedly loaded up FSX in the microlight.

Took off, flew around, the real weather kicked in and the wind was awful. Looking around I thought 'why did I pay for this?'. It was sparse and not much better than default.

Turns out it was default and I had to enable the scenery in the settings.. :D

Just trying to get Plan-G working again on my 2nd PC.

It's broken :(
So far so good thanks.

I ran the installer for Dublin 2009 and excitedly loaded up FSX in the microlight.

Took off, flew around, the real weather kicked in and the wind was awful. Looking around I thought 'why did I pay for this?'. It was sparse and not much better than default.

Turns out it was default and I had to enable the scenery in the settings.. :D

Just trying to get Plan-G working again on my 2nd PC.

It's broken :(

Good to hear mate.

I see Orbx are really getting them out fast!!
I'm getting there to completing a full flight but I'm still having a few problems.

I set everything as it should be in the FMC, then I took off from Gatwick flying the route I inputted in the FMC, all was going well, however, when the plane started turning to a new waypoint it started a steep climb, which of course resulted in loss of airspeed, and thus, I ended up stalling. I've got to have missed something but what? Am I too heavy or something?

Also, in regards to cruise altitude, does the plane just level off automatically? If so, when do I need to use the altitude button on the MCP?
The 'Alt' button on the MCP holds your current altitude. So if you were climing through 3000ft to 10000ft and ATC asked you to hold at 7000ft, you could hit the 'alt' button at 7000ft to hold that altitude.

And also if you had 6000ft in your 'alt' window and VNAV enabled, then the plane would follow the FMC heights, but then hold at 6000ft.

If you look in the 'legs' page of the FMC, the altitude and speed restrictions should be in there.
Also, as in your case, change of waypoints and VNAV mode can cause dramatic and uncomfortable climbs. You can avoid this by setting your max altitude on the MCP and then pressing V/S. This will allow you to set your climb speed at a comfortable level. I normally go between 1200-1800fpm. Use your FMC and charts to program smooth ascents and descents. When it reaches correct altitude, you can reselect VNAV.

Also don't forget, you don't have to set hard targets in your FMC. You can tell it to fly above or below a certain altitude simply by putting A or B after the altitude.
Thanks for the info, I greatly appreciate it.

I was using V/S to start with, so pressed V-NAV and the plane followed the complete flight plan at the right altitudes and speeds that the FMC showed, so great! However, landing was another thing. To get the descent started I had to press V/S and then switch back to V-NAV to get the plane to descend to the altitude the FMC was saying I should be at, at that particular waypoint. This worked well but then turning on final and the plane really wasn't lined up straight, so I had to manually turn the plane myself. I was landing at Schiphol btw. Am I missing anything about landing? Forgetting switch something on? I don't know.
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