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I was told it was good weather for gardening today. Well, I'm rubbish a gardening so I went flying instead :D






Good price for a very good aircraft. Worth the buy as I cant see FSlabs Airbus launching at least for another 6-9 months, maybe more.

At least that it's looking dubious if FSLs' A320 will support P3D 2.0.

Hopefully the Enigma Simulations 737 Classic and Coolsky / McPhat Fokker will be P3D 2.0 compatible as these 3 projects are at the top of my anticipation list :D

PMDG need to get their finger out their behinds and get implementing P3D support for their product range <- yes I realize the NGX can be P3D hacked but that isn't the same as developer support

If the P3D 2.0 hype is to be believed then it will be the dominant flight simming platform for at least the next decade; with the likes of Orbx, Aerosoft, Flightbeam, Flytampa and Carenado all strongly endorsing P3D as the future platform I don't think other prominent developers can afford to ignore it from now on

I purposely haven't bought the PMDG 777 yet as due to the high cost if it, I'm not willing to buy it then it become redundant and useless when I make the switch to P3D 2.0
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At least that it's looking dubious if FSLs' A320 will support P3D 2.0.

Hopefully the Enigma Simulations 737 Classic and Coolsky / McPhat Fokker will be P3D 2.0 compatible as these 3 projects are at the top of my anticipation list :D

PMDG need to get their finger out their behinds and get implementing P3D support for their product range <- yes I realize the NGX can be P3D hacked but that isn't the same as developer support

If the P3D 2.0 hype is to be believed then it will be the dominant flight simming platform for at least the next decade; with the likes of Orbx, Aerosoft, Flightbeam, Flytampa and Carenado all strongly endorsing P3D as the future platform I don't think other prominent developers can afford to ignore it from now on

I purposely haven't bought the PMDG 777 yet as due to the high cost if it, I'm not willing to buy it then it become redundant and useless when I make the switch to P3D 2.0

I cant understand why a company like PMDG haven't got on board with P3D yet?(I'm sure there is a statement somewhere stating the reasons). It's the only reason why I'm not using my current P3D because PMDG do not offer any support for it.

It's good to see the other top Devs endorsing P3D.
I've often wondered if PMDG have licensing issues with Boeing with which market they can sell in to. FSX is consumer/game while P3D is training/business. It's interesting that Lockheed don't sell to the entertainment market yet Orbx seem to have a dual pricing model where you pay a lot more for their products if you use them in a commercial simulator. What's their cheap license if not for the entertainment market?

Loving the volumetric fog, roll on release day.

I wonder if this will work with the Aerosoft Airbus I purchased yesterday? :o

Nice one mate another plane to Fly together. So that's Q400, 777 and Airbus. :p

Just saw the article too from frooglesim.

Really excited for P3D v2. I just hope it comes at a good price. I paid £40 for 1.4 and don't mind paying that again or even more.
PMDG have not got on-board with P3D because the EULA states that P3D is not an entertainment product, and PMDG makes products for the entertainment market (taking nothing away from the stunning realism they offer).

FSLabs have not ruled themselves out of P3D, and nor have they confirmed they will develop. They have made it clear they want to make a version of the A320-X that will be aimed at commercial training - my own guess would be that it would be for P3D. I don't know anything about the devs plans right now.

As for the A320-X, keep holding it on because it'll be worth the wait... *whistles*
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