The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

SHADE is my 'Marks Final' which is one of the built-in presets.

These are my SweetFX settings for DX9... can you use this text format?

I use FlightFX to make changes.


#define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.12


#define sharp_strength 0.60
#define sharp_clamp 0.05
#define pattern 2
#define offset_bias 1.00
#define show_sharpen 0

#define USE_BLOOM 1

#define BloomThreshold 26.95
#define BloomPower 2.95
#define BloomWidth 0.32

#define USE_HDR 0

#define HDRPower 0.00
#define radius2 0.00


#define TechniAmount 0.11
#define TechniPower 2.80
#define redNegativeAmount 0.88
#define greenNegativeAmount 0.88
#define blueNegativeAmount 0.88

#define USE_DPX 0

#define Red 8.00
#define Green 8.00
#define Blue 8.00
#define ColorGamma 2.50
#define DPXSaturation 3.00
#define RedC 0.36
#define GreenC 0.36
#define BlueC 0.34
#define Blend 0.10


#define RGB_Lift float3(1.05,1.05,1.04)
#define RGB_Gamma float3(1.04,1.03,1.04)
#define RGB_Gain float3(1.05,1.05,1.05)

#define USE_TONEMAP 1

#define Gamma 1.15
#define Exposure -0.15
#define Saturation 0.10
#define Bleach 0.05
#define Defog 0.02
#define FogColor float3(1.00,1.00,0.16)

#define USE_VIBRANCE 1

#define Vibrance 0.15

#define USE_CURVES 1

#define Curves_contrast 0.45
#define Curves_formula 7

#define USE_SEPIA 0

#define ColorTone float3(1.00,1.00,0.90)
#define GreyPower 0.11
#define SepiaPower 0.58

#define USE_VIGNETTE 1

#define VignetteRadius 1.39
#define VignetteAmount -1.73
#define VignetteSlope 6
#define VignetteCenter float2(0.50,0.50)

#define USE_DITHER 0


#define splitscreen_mode 3

Red, if you wouldn't mind could you go into your FSX directory and upload your SweetFX_settings text file to so I can download it?

Sorry for being a pain


Redline fantastic photos.

Please add some links to the shades you used and sweetfsx etc etc.

What we doing tonight guys? Want to be setup before 8 so I'm not rushing.:p
We're doing a sightseeing VFR Island Tour

Orbx Pacific NorthWest scenery..

78WA - Center Island Airport
Skull Island
Crab Island
Then head south west
Mummy Rocks
Deadman Island
Goose Island
Landing at S31, Lopez Island Airport for Lobster.
It turns out my route was about 3 747 lengths long... Oh well.. :rolleyes:

We saw some great Pacific Northwest ORBX scenery. Landed at Victoria International Airport for a cuppa and some fuel. We then took off and headed in the general direction of Calgary.

The mountainous scenery was amazing. The cloud cover was a VFR issue. We landed at Princeton Regional Airport for the night.,-120.3631432,26457m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x5483b3db42e8908f:0xfe336e7e1a1c0e7

I did take some screen grabs. I'll post them soon.
Can I ask what processssss you guys go through to plan your flights? from start to finish please. I've being using EFASS which seems like a good all in one product but i've had some issues and supports non existent so I've been looking elsewhere Aivlasoft, PFPX but then I need fuel planners and route planners etc etc.
So if you could list what you do in order and what you use it would be really useful in helping me make up my mind.
I've used many things to plan flights.

The best one for me is:

Aivalsoft uses some online resources, but you can copy and paste a route from above. Aivilasoft really, really helped me understand IFR, as it's all visual from a texual flight plan.

Being a creature of habit, most of my regular plans are saved and then accessed in Aivlasoft EFB.

Also, for more obscure flight plans, you can ask on Vatsim and they're quite helpful (as long as it doesn't turn into a 10 page argument.. "you can't fly that route in summer", "After 6.32pm he can fly direct to the airfield" etc..).

I thought PFPX did everything from routes, fuel, weather planning and dispatch sheets. Vuvuzela has it?

My VFR flight plan from above used the process of picking places with funny names.
P.S Also, let us know where you want to fly from and to, and we can help get a plan together for you.

Thanks for that Blue and the advice regarding the software. I've signed up for a VA (Worldwide Virtual) they don't have any hard and fast rules which is nice when you're just getting started with a VA, and if you want to use a Cessna instead of a 747 from EGLL to KJFK then you can (good luck with the fuel planning on that one) So I'm not short on places to go I just want to get the right tools together so I can do a proper job. They also have tours that you can do which is a nice touch.
I also want to get on-line with you guys but I need to get a headset and the computer out of my living room before I can do that or she who must be obeyed will cut certain bits off!
Thanks for that Blue and the advice regarding the software. I've signed up for a VA (Worldwide Virtual) they don't have any hard and fast rules which is nice when you're just getting started with a VA, and if you want to use a Cessna instead of a 747 from EGLL to KJFK then you can (good luck with the fuel planning on that one) So I'm not short on places to go I just want to get the right tools together so I can do a proper job. They also have tours that you can do which is a nice touch.
I also want to get on-line with you guys but I need to get a headset and the computer out of my living room before !

You can get from EGLL to JFK in a Cessna, but you'll be flying up through Scotland, Iceland, across to Greenland, down through Newfoundland.

In a jet, you can follow a North Atlantic track.

You can go online without a Mic on Mumble and Vatsim, but they'll be plenty of typing to do to keep up.

I can do that or she who must be obeyed will cut certain bits off
Are we talking about your undercarriage? :D
You can get from EGLL to JFK in a Cessna, but you'll be flying up through Scotland, Iceland, across to Greenland, down through Newfoundland.
The Amelia Earhart of FSX!

You can go online without a Mic on Mumble and Vatsim, but they'll be plenty of typing to do to keep up.
I can't type that quickly even when I'm not trying to keep wings straight and Level.

Are we talking about your undercarriage? :D
Yes I do mean the undercarriage I'll only be good for water landings afterwards :eek:
Hi Brian,

What problems are you having with EFASS? I use it also (Infact I just bought it after the free trial) so I should be able to help you with any issues :)
What problems are you having with EFASS?
to be honest it wasn't that much initially it was more the lack of response from Venni.
I posted on the forum back in January that When you select a route into EGKK there are no STARS associated with it not a problem if you're vatsiming as ATC will assign or if you are aufait with entry points into the STARS, but I'm a bit green in these matters... So I logged a ticket, I attached the log as requested and I've heard nothing in over a month now.
Others have since confirmed the problem so I PM'd him and still nothing.
He had replied to other posts that were more recent and has obviously been working on the "Try before you buy" part Which has also caused a few issues (programme minimised on running and no obvious way to get it back to full screen)
I'm not sure the Fuel planner is that accurate either as a couple of times I'd planned a flight entered it into the FMS only to be told straight away insufficient fuel.
Sorry about the rant! but I'm reluctant to pay for something if the only support is to rely on the goodwill of people like yourself. I'd be more tolerant if he just replied with a "OK thanks we're looking into it"
Ok that's fair enough, I dont really use the approach /dept planning as I Like to look at the charts and work it out the old fashioned way!

I have found that the aircraft profiles are not that accurate for fuel burn etc, but I have modified these now to my liking.

a combination of EFB and PFPX might be more suited for your needs?
Few shots from recent flights; I've been experimenting with DX10 using Steve's Fixer and also injecting some SweetFX.

I've got a very stable, very well performing and I think very pretty FSX going on now :D ( touches wood )

Also got one of these coming this month to run my Reality XP 530 through















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Guys, the FTX Global, vector and FS global package comes to around £140. Is it worth it and do you think my PC is beefy enough to run it, the new landclass packages that are arriving and a few add on airports at a decent FPS?

i5 2500k @4.4
4GB 670GTX
128GB dedicated SSD
Win 7
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Guys, the FTX Global, vector and FS global package comes to around £140. Is it worth it and do you think my PC is beefy enough to run it, the new landclass packages that are arriving and a few add on airports at a decent FPS?

i5 2500k @4.4
4GB 670GTX
128GB dedicated SSD
Win 7

Yeah your system will run it just fine; do the usual tweaks to your FSX.cfg file and adjust the quality sliders to get acceptable performance.
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