The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Thanks for the info BrianT, at least I'm thinking pretty much along the right lines, I'm going to play a little more with FSX as it is, and to be honest even with just a few freeware addons I've got it looking pretty nice in DX10.

I took a flight last night from Birmingham Airport to Diagoras Airport on the Greek Island of Rhodes which took just over 4 hours I think or there about, I flew over The Alps on the way there which was pretty nice even though it was with default scenery, and continued out into the Aegean sea seeing the change in the sea colour into more of a nice mediterranean blue especially around all the tiny islands in that area and finally got the airport in sight after being guided and directed in via the ATC.

The only issue I had during the entire flight was getting the ILS system to lock onto the glide slope for the landing, so I just did it manually :D. The reason for this was that I tried a new plane which was a very detailed freeware Airbus A321, that was the only thing I couldn't figure out whilst I was flying there, other than that the flight went pretty much without issue.

Here are a few screenshots I grabbed during the flight at various stages.
I have just switched to P£dv4 from FSX, very happy with it. XP11 does look very pretty though!

Nice pics may i ask what freeware plane did you use

I think I'm too deep into P3D to be switching to Xplane. I love the 737, and as good as the Zibo mod is, I've grown so used to the amazing PMDG product I think I would struggle to change over.
Building a new PC and thinking of getting X-Plane 11.
Hi there, get x plane in the steam sale, then use ortho4xp to down load photoscenery.

I fly in vr all the time now, its marvelous.

Mind you, weather kills it, atc I ignore and ai traffic kills it so...
Hello again fellow simmers!

Just wanted to let you all know that the 12th annual Mid Summer Madness event takes place on the weekend of 4th & 5th of August at EGBB Birmingham on the VATSIM network. EGBB will be fully staffed from Clearance Delivery right up to London Control from 1100-2000 BST both days. There's no flight bookings, just fly any aircraft, any time to and/or from EGBB.

!BlueTonic! is unable to join us this year, but I and the other regulars will be will be in a hotel conference room enjoying a few beers at the same time! Hopefully you can fly in and out of EGBB during the weekend.

There's some prizes on offer courtesy of UK2000 Scenery, A2A Simulations, Majestic Software and Flight1 Software - make sure to have MSMXII in your flight plan remarks to be entered into the prize draw.

More details here:



Follow on Twitter: @vatsimMSM
A few X-Plane pics following the release of TrueEarth Great Britain South from Orbx...
I'm not particularly into small GA aircraft but have enjoyed low level flying so much with the new scenery, that I also purchased the PA-28-161 Warrior II from Justflight.





The frame rates (top left) are mostly in the mid thirties. Not bad for a laptop (i7-7700HQ, GTX1060 6gb, 16gb RAM).
@Charlie Bravo that looks stunning.

I recently switched from P3Dv4 to XP11, it's a night and day difference in visuals and performance.

I'd never recommend anything other than X-Plane now. I skipped P3D, but to me it was only ever a slightly enhanced version of FSX anyway.
I can appreciate that people feel locked in because of what they have spent on P3D additions, but when I look at the likes of the link that Picnic has posted above, it's like looking back to FS98 in terms of the graphical differences between P3D/FSX and X-Plane, just as you say.

Yes it takes time to get used to X-Plane because everything is different but it doesn't take long.
Have to agree; since getting into flight sims around 5 years ago I've been on FSX, then P3Dv2->v3->v4. Recently decided to dip back into X-Plane at the end of last year....and I haven't ran P3Dv4 since!

I absolutely love what LM is doing with the P3D engine, but after running XP11 for a couple of months then jumping back into P3D it really does feel like old tech with some "go-faster" stripes on, whereas XP11 'feels' modern. Granted I'm not into flying heavy iron - the Majestic Q400 was as big as I ever really flew in FSX/P3D - commercial jets just didn't interest me from a simming point of view. I'm all about props!!!

I may occasionally jump back into P3Dv4 when I really want to do a flight in the Dash8, but apart from that I've uninstalled pretty much everything else.
XP11 is my go-to sim now - not an easy choice given the hundreds (potentially thousands) of pounds I've sunk into P3D addons over the last few years; starting from scratch with XP11 took a bit of getting my head around, but I feel its been worth it - has rekindled my passion for simming (as opposed to constantly tweaking settings)!!!

The TBM 900 from Hot Start is utterly sublime....I'm hooked on this thing at the moment. If anyone asked me to recommend one piece of addon software for XP11 that I considered an absolute must-have; it would be this.

p.s. - I'm running my sim rig on a 65" Sony 4K TV these days....OMG!


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Have to agree; since getting into flight sims around 9 years ago I've been on FSX, then P3Dv2->v3->v4. Recently decided to dip back into X-Plane at the end of last year....and I haven't ran P3Dv4 since!

I absolutely love what LM is doing with the P3D engine, but after running XP11 for a couple of months then jumping back into P3D it really does feel like old tech with some "go-faster" stripes on, whereas XP11 'feels' modern. Granted I'm not into flying heavy iron - the Majestic Q400 was as big as I ever really flew in FSX/P3D - commercial jets just didn't interest me from a simming point of view. I'm all about props!!!

I may occasionally jump back into P3Dv4 when I really want to do a flight in the Dash8, but apart from that I've uninstalled pretty much everything else.
XP11 is my go-to sim now - not an easy choice given the hundreds (potentially thousands) of pounds I've sunk into P3D addons over the last few years; starting from scratch with XP11 took a bit of getting my head around, but I feel its been worth it - has rekindled my passion for simming (as opposed to constantly tweaking settings)!!!

The TBM 900 from Hot Start is utterly sublime....I'm hooked on this thing at the moment. If anyone asked me to recommend one piece of addon software for XP11 that I considered an absolute must-have; it would be this.

p.s. - I'm running my sim rig on a 65" Sony 4K TV these days....OMG!


I'm going through what you went through at the end of last year. I've been a keen simmer for the best part of nearly 20 years and I've always been a FSX fan. I recently upgraded to P3D v.4 about 8 weeks ago and although it runs well and looks great with the Orbx addons and the A2A C182, I can't help but feel it's being left behind by XP11. I even went so far as to buy it twice on Steam but as I'd just spent a few hundred £ on P3D upgrades, I couldn't justify it financially although I know that it was ultimately going to be a better purchase for the long term. I think what you've posted there has sent me back to square one......THANKS!! (I think!:D).
I'm going through what you went through at the end of last year. I've been a keen simmer for the best part of nearly 20 years and I've always been a FSX fan. I recently upgraded to P3D v.4 about 8 weeks ago and although it runs well and looks great with the Orbx addons and the A2A C182, I can't help but feel it's being left behind by XP11. I even went so far as to buy it twice on Steam but as I'd just spent a few hundred £ on P3D upgrades, I couldn't justify it financially although I know that it was ultimately going to be a better purchase for the long term. I think what you've posted there has sent me back to square one......THANKS!! (I think!:D).
I know, its a tough thought to get your head around starting a new sim from the ground up again....Aircraft addons, scenery addons, textures, weather engines, etc etc ££££!!! Only silver lining to the situation is that XPlane has a very healthy freeware community, and the freeware available does tend to be of a much higher standard than FSX/P3D freeware, also many developers (especially Orbx) offer quite a susbstantial discount on their XPlane products if you already own the P3D version.

Check out MisterX's freeware....its epic.

I'm defintely not abandoning P3D; if an aircraft or scenery comes out that I want and cannot get for XPlane then I will still purchased bits and pieces for P3D and fly it - however, its no longer my day-to-day sim platform.
I spent about 10 years simming, first with FS9, then FSX (even after switching to FSX, I still preferred FS9!).
I had literally thousands of addons, from AI models, liveries and flightplans, to airports (I would not do a flight unless I had add-ons for respective airports) and aircraft. I flew for a couple of different virtual airlines (Flying Tigers Group and I spent hours and hours and HOURS configuring and tweaking my sim... and then it stopped.

Now it's been about 5 years, and I got 'that itch' last week. posted a picture of a beautiful cargo 737-400 and I really felt the urge to do some 737 classic flying. Back in the day I used the Justflight 737 classic panel merged with 50 North models.

Wondering where to start now? From what I've read on here it would seem X-Plane is the way to go. I was always put off X-Plane back in the day because of how basic the UI was. I respected the realism factor of the game but the UI just did nothing for me and the whole interface seemed really clunky. Has this changed?

Edit: WOW! Just had a look at those Mister X addons. Are they freeware? Is that the standard of freeware addons for X-Plane? They look almost as good as FlyTampa airports did back in the day for FS9 and they were not cheap!
If you want to experience X-Plane you can download the demo, it's limited to flying around Seattle (I think) and a few minutes flying time but you'll get a feel for the UI etc. from that.
I spent about 10 years simming, first with FS9, then FSX (even after switching to FSX, I still preferred FS9!).
I had literally thousands of addons, from AI models, liveries and flightplans, to airports (I would not do a flight unless I had add-ons for respective airports) and aircraft. I flew for a couple of different virtual airlines (Flying Tigers Group and I spent hours and hours and HOURS configuring and tweaking my sim... and then it stopped.

Now it's been about 5 years, and I got 'that itch' last week. posted a picture of a beautiful cargo 737-400 and I really felt the urge to do some 737 classic flying. Back in the day I used the Justflight 737 classic panel merged with 50 North models.

Wondering where to start now? From what I've read on here it would seem X-Plane is the way to go. I was always put off X-Plane back in the day because of how basic the UI was. I respected the realism factor of the game but the UI just did nothing for me and the whole interface seemed really clunky. Has this changed?

Edit: WOW! Just had a look at those Mister X addons. Are they freeware? Is that the standard of freeware addons for X-Plane? They look almost as good as FlyTampa airports did back in the day for FS9 and they were not cheap!
Yes those MisterX downloads are freeware. Lots of high quality freeware add-ons files section, have a browse.
If you want classic 737 then you NEED the IXEG 737.
Yes those MisterX downloads are freeware. Lots of high quality freeware add-ons files section, have a browse.
If you want classic 737 then you NEED the IXEG 737.

That Widget Delta one <3

Blimey, 75 bucks!

I'll download the demo and give it a spin. Will have to dust off my MS Sidewinder FF 2 (is it supported?)
I think I'm too deep into P3D to be switching to Xplane. I love the 737, and as good as the Zibo mod is, I've grown so used to the amazing PMDG product I think I would struggle to change over.

Well I switched to XP11 a couple of months after saying this :D

I have not looked back to P3D once since buying XP. Zibo is phenomenal though! Using XP11 with Zibo, ASXP and a few small freeware mods like better pushback, and the experience is so much better than P3D.
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