Have to agree; since getting into flight sims around 9 years ago I've been on FSX, then P3Dv2->v3->v4. Recently decided to dip back into X-Plane at the end of last year....and I haven't ran P3Dv4 since!
I absolutely love what LM is doing with the P3D engine, but after running XP11 for a couple of months then jumping back into P3D it really does feel like old tech with some "go-faster" stripes on, whereas XP11 'feels' modern. Granted I'm not into flying heavy iron - the Majestic Q400 was as big as I ever really flew in FSX/P3D - commercial jets just didn't interest me from a simming point of view. I'm all about props!!!
I may occasionally jump back into P3Dv4 when I really want to do a flight in the Dash8, but apart from that I've uninstalled pretty much everything else.
XP11 is my go-to sim now - not an easy choice given the hundreds (potentially thousands) of pounds I've sunk into P3D addons over the last few years; starting from scratch with XP11 took a bit of getting my head around, but I feel its been worth it - has rekindled my passion for simming (as opposed to constantly tweaking settings)!!!
The TBM 900 from Hot Start is utterly sublime....I'm hooked on this thing at the moment. If anyone asked me to recommend one piece of addon software for XP11 that I considered an absolute must-have; it would be this.
p.s. - I'm running my sim rig on a 65" Sony 4K TV these days....OMG!