** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

I dont think I have ever watched something that has given me such feelings of tension and jubilation.. and sheer gigglefits with the synchronised landing.
And I bet it still pales compared to those who got to watch the moon landings. I can only hope I will see a moon landing before death. So no killing me for a few years.
Yep the lunar fly around mission is canceled.
They don't see the point in time and effort to human rate the heavy.
On better news the BFS (upper stage) should be ready for testing in 2019(add a year or two for Elon one), like the old grasshopper. So just short jumps.
That was pretty amazing!

The booster landings were nothing short of textbook, unbelievable! Hats off to the clever people that make that kinda stuff happen.
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