Wooooo conspiratards
Not live. Just people replaying the old stream.
Not live. Just people replaying the old stream.
yep love the star one, same as apollo landings, and yet its the same issue as on earth.You're focusing on a bright object of course camera isnt going to show stars up. But people are dumb and love to fight the system so make stupid statements.So many daft people on YouTube all like 'oh wow it's still live Amazing', 'hey insaw this view the other day it's fake', 'why are there no stars', '''ere are the satellites'
In its budget request, to be released Monday, the administration would request $150 million in fiscal year 2019, with more in additional years “to enable the development and maturation of commercial entities and capabilities which will ensure that commercial successors to the ISS — potentially including elements of the ISS — are operational when they are needed.”
For the sake of argument, consider the costs of this three-year delay against the lift capability NASA could have bought by purchasing Falcon Heavy rockets from SpaceX in 2018, 2019, and 2020. That $7.8 billion equates to 86 launches of the reusable Falcon Heavy or 52 of the expendable version. This provides up to 3,000 tons of lift—the equivalent of eight International Space Stations or one heck of a Moon base. Obviously NASA does not need that many launches, but it could buy several Falcon Heavy rockets a year and have the funds to build meaningful payloads to launch on them.