Amazing what you can do with infinite money and zero accountability to government and taxpayers... Falcon 9 is an amazing bit of kit, and has made commercial space travel a reality - all credit to the engineers and brains behind SpaceX (not Musk, he's just a salesman with a load of money)
Starship, however, is just a massive white elephant in my opinion. It's managed to just about get to 10km a few times, yet everyone is still going on about it going to Mars and beyond which I just don't get. I will quite happily believe it'll clear the tower, but the idea of those massive arms grabbing hold of the thing on landing is comical, and I shall eat my hat if it happens in the next 2 years. Maybe I'll be proved wrong, and I'm happy to be, but right now I just don't see Starship as anything more than an endless chunk of money being burned.
Musk is literally the chief engineer of SpaceX so perhaps not accurate to call him a glorified salesman!