** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **


They lost ground contact for the video feed. Audio is performed by Starlink, not strange at all.

Anyone suggesting this is fake just insults all the hard work that has gone into this mission and all other missions, please stop it.
I’ll wait for you to find where I said it was fake.

I’m saying it would have been interesting to see that process.
I'm assuming one of the major purposes of this space walk was to test design elements of SpaceX own internal spacesuit programme. Given what Isaacman was doing I can easily see that kind of field test playing into the design of the next version of a more mobile spacewalk suit.
The movement in the suit did look incredibly restricted in the arms. I don't recall NASA suits being quite so rigid.
I think this was the first flight of this suit, the regular suits are only for crew protection during ascent/descent so no real need for mobility in a vacuum they probably just balloon up in such an event giving poor mobility but keep the crew alive. A true space suit is a different beast with different challenges hence the joints and articulation. But I absolutely agree the looked very limiting, hence my belief the space walk was entirely so they could test the suit.
they could probably benifift from an internal suit exoskeletal assist.
the pressure diff looks to have caused issues with the suit mobility.

i got the impression the people were also concerned with the connection to the umbilicale one of them kept touching it
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