** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

i would only entertain space flight if i could reap the benefits.... you all know what i am talking about


oooooh yeah, sexy aliens!!!
Its amazing how far juno has traveled to get that pic and it has another 5 years left to get to jupiter :eek:

In that picture is only ~30 seconds away from earth going by the speed of light... or about 1/4415040th of the distance between us and the nearest star (not including the sun) :D - it would take it another 71 thousand years to reach that star at its current rate of progress :O
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In that picture is only ~30 seconds away from earth going by the speed of light... or about 1/4415040th of the distance between us and the nearest star (not including the sun) :D - it would take it another 71 thousand years to reach that star at its current rate of progress :O

mind = blown!
I thought you said there weren't any more Delta II launches on the boards? According to twitter this one is prepping to launch NPP:


It's the last one from Cap Canaveral. NPP is going from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
I caught the end of a documentary which mentioned that there is a plan to try to link up loads of telescopes across the world to try to observe the black hole in our galaxy. Does anyone have any more information on this?
I don't see what good telescopes would be at observing a black hole... maybe the effects of one. As i understand it radio telescopes and arrays often work together on one target so they can track it throughout the day when one observatory would only be able to observe it for half.
Well yeah, the effects obviously! I was just wondering whether it was actually called "Project: Let's point out 'scopes over there" or something, so I could read more about it.

Concerning how we may have left so much rubbish in orbit that we jepardise future missions. I can't believe nobody thought that this might be a problem.

A post i made about this on SGL last night:

""In 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite weapon test which destroyed a decommissioned weather satellite, smashing the object into 150,000 pieces larger than 1cm."

Headdesk :(

Even so, we all know the risks - people have called out the same things for years, and to be frank since we didn't listen to them then i fail to see how we're going to listen to them now. No, unfortunately it looks to me like this is going to be yet another situation where it's accepted and well known that it's a risk, but until it actually does cause some damage nothing will be done about it. The same happened for Apollo 1, for Challenger and for Columbia - all events which could easily have been avoided, but it took them to happen before anything was done about their cause. I would just have hoped that by now we could have learned from that."
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