** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

8 Apr 2003
I guess one of the big issues with that is fuel efficiency. Looks like they have stability nailed. Plus it reminds me a lot of Thunderbirds but I'm not sure which one, maybe just the way is seems to sit as if suspended in mid air (on a wire!).
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Google Lunar x Prize Hardware reel. 25 teams.

I have no idea why there's quad copters in there. still interesting, when are some teams actually going to shoot for the moon.

and that's an impressive front door with the tank and boosters
28 Jun 2009
Google Lunar x Prize Hardware reel. 25 teams.

I have no idea why there's quad copters in there. still interesting, when are some teams actually going to shoot for the moon.

and that's an impressive front door with the tank and boosters

Maybe they don't realise there is no atmosphere on the moon lol. Some cool looking concepts, reminds me of that robot Olympics that used to be on BBC
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004

One era ends another starts :)

The spaceplane being developed by UK billionaire Sir Richard Branson has made its first powered flight.

The vehicle was dropped from a carrier aircraft high above California's Mojave Desert and ignited its rocket engine to go supersonic for a few seconds.

Sir Richard's intention is to use the spaceship to carry fare-paying passengers on short pleasure rides above the Earth's atmosphere.

His company Virgin Galactic has already taken hundreds of deposits.

The rocket vehicle is known as SpaceShipTwo (SS2).

Although it has been in the air on more than 20 occasions, this was the first time its hybrid motor had been ignited.

It was only a short burn lasting about 16 seconds, but it propelled SS2 beyond the sound barrier to a speed of Mach 1.2. Future outings should see progressively longer burn durations, enabling the plane eventually to reach sufficient velocity to climb more than 100km into the sky.

Hopefully be a video sometime soon on youtube.

Here we go.

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