***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

**** the space combat in this game, absolutely gtfo with it, awful.

Something along the lines of FTL would have worked better, anything other than this stupid nonsense.

That would have been awesome, I loved FTL. On second thoughts, I would have ended up ignoring everything else :D
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Finding it a little stale to start off with, but will give it time.

The writing seems a bit weird... "Here random new miner we hardly know, have my ship, my robot and this rare artifact and I'll trust you to take to this place...". Lol what?
Is normal for these games or just gaming in general.
Personally, I found it more to be funny as the guy getting lonely with a (possible crazy robot), in a spaceship with a certain protocol activated, pretending to "help". Yeah, Starfield version of "kid, do you want some candy?" :)
I decided to lower the difficulty, not because I was dying a lot, purely because I would run out of ammo all the time with how spongey the enemies become. Taking 2-4 mags of headshots to kill a standard enemy wasn't really fun.
I wish devs would man up and put ArmA 3 level of realism in it. At least on survival. No more BS stats for weapons, damages, etc. Would make some people go crazy over that for sure! :D
Story spoilers:

Went to the second temple to get another power. Exactly the same as the first one. Wander around on barren planet following glitchy scanner, find temple, fly around, get power. Utterly damp squib.

The best part this time is my companion, immediately after leaving the temple says to me "we haven't had an opportunity to talk about what happened at the temple". No s*** sherlock. It happened one second ago! I then fast travelled back to my ship and the companion once again asked me the exact same thing!

10/10 game...
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That would have been awesome, I loved FTL. On second thoughts, I would have ended up ignoring everything else :D


Have a ship with lots of different systems and have NPCs manage some of them, flight, weapons, systems, repairs, etc, anything other than move a ******* cursor around a screen..
Jesus. Third temple exactly the same as the first and second. Even my companion asked me the exact same question as soon as I left the temple! What were Bethesda thinking? You would think these temples would be the reward at the end of a quest line or something. Nope. Fast travel, fast travel, walk, enter temple and get your prize.

These temples were clearly just programmed into the game on a Friday afternoon a few week before launch.
J2c is absolutely panning it on you tube...

Is it really as bad as he says? Or is he just being a typical YouTube steamer douche bag?
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And then of course on the back of that I have two back to back bugs - One a guy I need to speak to won't work, nothing happens... Move onto the next quest, get to the location and when I try to leave the planet the game just crashes, I can't leave.
Had to go back to this Reshade as Quantum was hogging too much FPS

DECENT ReShade - Natural and Performance Friendly
Not sure if mentioned but if you take over a ship and make a mess with bodies everywhere, repainting the whole ship for free removes the bodies and tidies everything up.
Finally level 20. Had a breaf visit to Neon. Very nice. Glad I am using DLSS :D

I ended up buying the expensive ship called Shield breaker. Lucky I saved just before doing so because after I did and went to make it my home ship I was told I don't have the skills to fly it :cry:

Now I need to upgrade piloting at least 3 times. Done 1 and will slowly work on the rest.
Finished the main quest at level 42, (72 hours played) solid game for me, 7/10.

Things I liked:
  • The classic rich Bethesda experience, lots of things to see and discover
  • Some brilliant sidequests, some of the best - lots of depth and enjoyable characters
  • Some of the planetary environments are brilliant
  • I found the main story interesting
  • Some of the alien creatures on the planets were cool
Things I didn't like:
  • Worst space combat in any game ever.
  • NPCs are quite janky, I had some game breaking problems which I had to fix with console commands (which killed my steam achievements, as I've cheated)
  • The "Space" side offers nothing, no seamless travel down to planets, no atmospheric flight - ends up with a flight experience so watered down it may as well not exist
  • The graphics are pretty crap, some areas in some light look pretty good - but in other places it looks like a PS2 game, the graphics are all over the place - it needs a better engine
  • It can feel a bit anemic from the start, it takes 10-20 hours to start to get into it, I think this will put a lot of people off.
My ships storage is rammed, any off ship alternatives where I can store but still access it?

Put more Cargo sections to your ship, problem solved. I hold around 1700 cargo right now with my new ship design.

I reworked my Star citizen Hammerhead once more for a more streamlined ship :D

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